MC Which ocean is the warmest? Atlantic correct Pacific incorrect Arctic incorrect MA Choose all of the examples or types of carbohydrates Galactose correct Fructose correct Melanin incorrect Sucrose correct TF Blaise Pascal was a 20th century sociologist who argued for the importance of identifying scientific laws that govern human behavior. false ESS Give a few examples where you can help preserve marine ecosystems. [Placeholder essay text] ORD What is the order of the scientific method? Question Hypothesis Prediction Testing Analysis MAT Match the following animals to their native continent Bullfrog North America Panda Asia Llama South America FIB ___ is the silicate mineral with the lowest melting temperature and the greatest resistance to weathering. Quartz FIB_PLUS "Four [a] and [b] years ago" is the beginning of the [c] delivered by [d]. a score b seven c Gettysburg Address d Abraham Lincoln FIL What is the average temperature of the Pacific Ocean? NUM Approximately, how many species of birds are there? 10,000 1000 SR Which ocean species do you find most interesting? Give three facts about it. Sample answer OP Do you think that we as humans have contributed to global warming? JUMBLED_SENTENCE Water molecules are made up of [a] hydrogen atoms and [b] oxygen atom, held together by [c] covalent bonds. one b two a three polar c non-polar QUIZ_BOWL This person has hosted Jeopardy for decades Who Who is Alex Trebek?