When you open a new session, you navigate through content modes as follows:

  • Whiteboard (default content mode)
  • Application sharing
  • Web tour

Use keyboard navigation or keyboard shortcuts to move between content modes and keyboard navigation to move within content modes.

To switch to a content mode, you must be a moderator or a participant with permission to use that mode.

Navigation within each content mode is unique, as described in the following topics.

Navigate in whiteboard mode

If you're a participant, or a moderator without the whiteboard permission, press F6 to navigate to the scaling menu in the whiteboard action bar.

  1. To switch to whiteboard mode, do one of the following:
    • Keyboard shortcut: Press Control+Alt+W on Windows or Command+Option+W on Mac.
    • Keyboard navigation: Press F6 to cycle keyboard focus to the collaboration toolbar. By default, you're in whiteboard mode.
  2. Press F6 again to move to the whiteboard action bar.
  3. Use Tab, Shift+Tab, and the arrow keys to move between the elements in the action bar and the adjacent navigation bar.
  4. Press Space to activate the selected function.

Navigate to a whiteboard page

Participants can freely navigate between pages in breakout rooms but must be given permission by the moderator to navigate between pages of the Main Room. Participants see navigation functions when they're free to move between Main Room pages. Sighted users also see a red border around their whiteboard content area.

To move directly to a specific whiteboard page, select it from the go to page menu in the whiteboard navigation bar. With a screen reader, you'll know you're in the go to page menu when you hear, "Go to the selected whiteboard page."

To move to the next page, use one of these methods:

  • Keyboard shortcut: Press Alt+Page Down on Windows or Option+Page Down on Mac.
  • Keyboard navigation: Navigate to and activate the next page button in the whiteboard navigation bar. If focus is on the go to page menu of the navigation bar, press the down arrow.

To move to the previous page, use one of these methods:

  • Keyboard shortcut: Press Alt+Page Up on Windows or Option+Page Up on Mac.
  • Keyboard navigation: Navigate to and activate the previous page button in the whiteboard navigation bar. If focus is on the go to page menu of the navigation bar, press the up arrow.

Read a whiteboard page

If you are using a JAWS screen reader, you can read the text of presentations imported into the whiteboard via the Activity Window.

  1. Navigate to the page you want to read.
  2. Open the Activity Window using Control + / on Windows or Command + / on Mac.
  3. Move focus to the bottom of the window to read the text on the page.

Navigate in application sharing

If someone else is already hosting an application sharing session, you're in application sharing mode.

  1. You can switch to application sharing mode:
    • Keyboard shortcut: Press Control+Alt+A on Windows or Command+Option+A on Mac.
    • Keyboard navigation:
      • Press F6 to cycle keyboard focus to the collaboration toolbar. By default, you'll be in whiteboard mode.
      • Press Tab or the right arrow once to move to the application sharing mode button.
      • Press Space to activate application sharing mode. The Application Sharing Selections window will open.
  2. Press Tab five times to move through the elements in the collaboration toolbar to the Share desktop option of the Application Sharing Selections dialog.
  3. To share your entire desktop, press any of the arrow keys to select Share desktop, press Tab three times to move to the Share button, and press Space to start sharing your desktop.
  4. To share a specific application, press Tab to move to the list of available applications. With the arrow keys, select the application you want from the list. Press Tab twice to move to the Share button and press Space to start sharing the selected application.

Navigate in web tour

If someone else is already hosting a web tour session, you're in web tour mode.

  1. You can switch to web tour mode:
    • Keyboard shortcut: Enter Control+Alt+U on Windows or Command+Option+U on Mac.
    • Keyboard navigation:
      • Press F6 to cycle keyboard focus to the collaboration toolbar. By default, you'll be in whiteboard mode.
      • Press Tab or the right arrow twice to move to the web tour mode button.
      • Press Space to activate web tour mode. The web tour action bar will open and focus will be in the address text box.
  2. Use Tab, Shift+Tab, and the arrow keys to move between the elements in the action bar.
  3. Press Space to activate the selected function or, if in the address text box, open the specified web page.