Set up your LMS institutional hierarchy
Ally's Departmental Report requires the latest version of Blackboard Learn SaaS because of a dependency on a new Learn REST API.
Ally's departmental report is based on the configured Institutional Hierarchy in the Administrator panel. The hierarchy must be set up to complete the set up for administrators to view the departmental reports.
The “Directory” tab won't display if no institutional hierarchy is configured..
The departmental report uses the information from the LMS institutional hierarchy to display departments and associated courses to the administrators who can manage those departments. Global administrators see everything. Departmental or node administrators only see reports for the departments they are assigned.
Create and assign roles for each department
Create institution roles for each department in the CSV file.
Use the department ID in the CSV file to create the role ID. Use the ALLY_NODE_123_1 naming convention. Replace _123_1 with the department ID.
ALLY_NODE must be in all caps.
Assign the ALLY_NODE roles as a Secondary Institutional Role to administrators who can manage those departments.
Ally uses the information to display departments and associated courses to the administrators who can manage those departments. Global administrators see everything in the institutional report. Departmental or node administrators only see reports for the departments they are assigned.
Add LTI launch links
Manage placements of the LTI placement to add departmental report LTI launch links. The department launch links appear with the Ally institutional report link in your LMS.
If all administrators have just one ALLY_NODE role assigned to them, you only need one launch link. If administrators have more than one ALLY_NODE role assigned, you need to add a launch link for each department.