App Store Changes

Special announcement | 5 February 2018
MCA, Updated features

On October 17th, 2017, GoogleTM introduced the following clause into their Developer Agreement:

"Wizard Spam We don’t allow apps that are created by an automated tool or wizard service and submitted to Google Play by the operator of that service on behalf of other persons. Such apps are only permissible if they are published by an individually registered developer account belonging to the user of the automated tool, not the operator of the service. "

Similarly, On December 21, 2017, Apple® introduced the following clause into their Developer Agreement:

" 4.2.6 Apps created from a commercialized template or app generation service will be rejected unless they are submitted directly by the provider of the app’s content. These services should not submit apps on behalf of their clients and should offer tools that let their clients create customized, innovative apps that provide unique customer experiences. Another acceptable option for template providers is to create a single binary to host all client content in an aggregated or “picker” model, for example as a restaurant finder app with separate customized entries or pages for each client restaurant, or as an event app with separate entries for each client event. "

These changes in policy require that you, as the organization who has the rights to the content of the app, need to have your app submitted under your own account. This means that a) you need to have your own account, and b) we need to transfer the store listing to your newly created account.

What is changing?

  • You need to set up your own account with both Google Play and Apple iTunes.
  • As part of this account ownership, you need to accept each store’s agreements and pay any fees that Google and Apple assess.
  • We will be transferring both your Google Play and Apple iTunes listings to your accounts.
  • There will be a nominal cost increase at renewal time.

What is NOT changing?

  • The quality and level of service you have enjoyed so far.
  • Apps continue to be maintained in the same way they have been, just under your own account.
  • Your users will NOT need to download a new app and both organizational administrators of the app and app users will see no impact by this change.

What do I need to do?

You need to create an account with both Google and Apple and have Blackboard transfer the listing to you.

More on creating Google and Apple accounts and having Blackboard transfer the listing