Esta página contém uma lista de possíveis problemas do Learn Ultra e as soluções alternativas para ajudar você a prosseguir com o Learn Ultra, quando as coisas não funcionam como o esperado.
Solução de problemas do Learn Ultra
Um compilado de problemas conhecidos que aparecem no Learn Ultra e soluções alternativas que ajudarão você e orientar sua tomada de decisão sobre como seguir em frente quando as coisas não acontecem como o esperado, além de como aproveitar melhor o que Learn Ultra tem a oferecer.
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Category | Keywords | Question or issue | Troubleshooting suggestion |
Interaction with students | Discussions Create discussion | How do I create or edit discussions and posts? | Online discussions provide unique benefits. Because students can take time to think before they post ideas, you may see more thoughtful conversations. You can observe as students demonstrate their grasp of the material and correct misconceptions. You can extend your office hours and reach students more often during the week so that learning is continuous... |
Interaction with students | Email Email students | How do I email my class? | The email tool allows you to send email to other people in your course without launching a separate email program, such as Gmail or Outlook. You can send email to individual users or to groups of users... |
Interaction with students | Accommodations Students with special needs | How do I make accommodations for students? | You can set accommodations for individual students. You can exempt students from assessment due dates or time limits. Use accommodations to help students progress in the course even though they may have difficulty with some requirements. |
Interaction with students | Announcements | How do I create announcements for my class? | Announcements are an ideal way to post time-sensitive information critical to course success. Add announcements for these types of course activities:
You can add, edit, and delete announcements from the Announcements page. When you add an announcement, you can also send it as an email to students in your course. Students receive the announcement even if they don't log into your course... |
Saiba mais sobre o Kit de ferramentas de implementação do Learn e como fazer uma transição tranquila para Ultra.