Video Studio - Edit captions and transcripts 3900.110

Impact: Instructors 
Updated Help pages: Video Studio (administrator), Video Studio (instructor)

Instructors can now edit video captions and transcripts for content created using Video Studio. This functionality allows instructors to correct minor errors and add clarity to the captions and transcripts that are automatically generated during a recording.


To edit captions and transcripts of a recording, select Edit Content.

Image 1: To edit captions or transcripts within Video Studio, first select Edit content.

Top portion of a Video Studio recording with the Edit Content button on top right corner highlighted with a blue box.

Next, hover your cursor over the video to display the option to edit (the button labeled with a pencil icon). If navigating with your keyboard, you can also select tab until you focus on the screen, which then displays the editing options. Select the button labeled with a pencil.  

Image 2: Select the pencil button to reach the new caption/transcript editing capability within Video Studio.

Top portion of a Video Studio recording with the button with a pencil icon for editing recordings highlighted in a blue box.

Next, select Transcript, which displays the transcript. Select the pencil next to the text you want to edit within the transcript. Once you make your edits, select the checkmark to save the edit or select X to discard changes. Once you finish making all your edits, select Save Video. The changes now appear in both the captions and the transcript.

Image 3: The new Transcript button appears when you are editing a recording. After editing your text, select either the check button to save your change or X to discard it.

Panel for editing Video Studio transcripts is open. A line of transcript text has been selected. The transcript tab is highlighted in a blue box and the options to discard or save an edit have been highlighted with a blue box.


Availability: Video Studio is a premium solution.

Activation: We are offering customers a free trial until June 30, 2025. This trial provides access to the full version of Video Studio. Video Studio is set to OFF as a default in test/stage environments. If you want to enable it in your institution’s production environment, you can do that for free until the end of June 2025.

Configuration: In the Administrator Panel, select Configure in The Ultra Experience is Here! module. Select Enable creating/uploading videos using Video Studio. Beyond June 30, 2025, your institution will have to purchase Video Studio to continue using it. 

Return to February 2025 – 3900.110.0 Release description