Improvements to grade entry for discussions and journals from the Grid view or Grades & Participation page – 3900.110

Impact: Instructors 


Instructors can now enter discussion and journal grades directly in the Grid view or Grades & Participation page with improved accuracy and consistency. Previously, grades entered in these views were stored at the override level. This caused confusion as underlying attempts remained ungraded and continued to display the Needs Grading and New Submission flags. This update ensures that grades entered this way are properly mapped to the underlying attempt or submission when applicable.

Grade Entry Requirements

  • Ungraded Submissions. For ungraded submissions, the grade and feedback are added to the submission, and the Needs Grading and New Submission flags are cleared.
  • Graded Submissions. If the submission is already graded, the grade and feedback are updated.
  • Overrides. If a student has an override grade, the override grade and feedback are updated.


Availability: Available for all Ultra courses. 

Activation: None needed. 

Configuration: None needed.

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