AI Design Assistant -- Set a larger maximum number of generated questions and learning modules – 3900.110

Impact: Instructors 
Updated Topic: AI Design Assistant 


When using the AI Design Assistant, instructors can now set the number of questions generated for tests and question banks to a maximum of 20. The maximum number of learning modules that the AI Design Assistant generates also increased to 20. Generating more questions at once reduces the chance that similar questions will be generated. The default number of questions and learning modules generated remains 4. 

Image 1. The Auto-Generate Questions page displays a new maximum number of questions of 20.

The Auto-Generate Questions page, with the Complexity and Number of questions options highlighted on the left


Availability: Available for all Ultra courses. 

Activation: None needed. 

Configuration: None needed.

Return to February 2025 – 3900.110.0 Release description