Course Catalog 2.13 Release Features

Milestone Integration

Release date: Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of January 13th
Impact: Learners, Managers, Administrators 
Updated Topic: Certificate Manager v2 and Create an Offering and Dashboard

Integration with Anthology Milestone allows learners to earn badges in Learn courses taken through Course Catalog. This integration provides a means to increase learner engagement through skill recognition and showcasing.  


If an offering has a badge associated with it, there will be an icon on the course tile in the catalog that identifies the badge. Learners will also see badges associated with offerings they are enrolled in on the achievements section of the dashboard.

Image 1: Badge appears on catalog offering. 

Course offering with a badge applied on it.


Managers define the criteria required to earn a badge when creating or editing an offering, and the learner automatically receives the badge once they achieve the criteria.

Image 2: Manager adds a badge to an offering. 

Assign badge panel


Administrators will enable and configure the Milestone Integration in the Certificate Manager v2 application.

Availability: Available for all Course Catalog courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: The integration is configured in the Certificate Manager v2 application (Admin Panel > Platform Extensions Manager > Certificate Manager v2 > Configuration > Anthology Milestone). It requires licensing of the Anthology Milestone product.

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WPM Integration

Release date: Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of January 13th
Impact: Learners, Managers, Administrators 
Updated topic: Payment Gateway v2

Integration with WPM allows learners to use this payment service provider to process payments for courses. Offering managers can include a finance code when creating an offering that indicates where the funds from the offering should be distributed. This allows institutions to designate funds collected from each offering for the appropriate department.


Learners can choose WPM as a payment provider when purchasing an offering.


Managers can input a finance code when creating an offering.

Image 1: Manager inputs a finance code for the offering.

Finance code being entered into a payment service provider

This feature will only be functional for WPM payments.


Availability: Available for all Course Catalog courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: The WPM integration is configured in the Payment Gateway v2 application (Admin Panel > Platform Extensions Manager > Payment Gateway v2 > Configuration > WPM).

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Subscription Model

Release date: Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of January 13th
Impact: Learners, Managers 
Updated Help Topic: Configure Course Catalog for a Subscription Model 

Course Catalog can be set up for learners to use on a subscription basis. In this use case, learners purchase access to a catalog of courses rather than purchase individual courses. This model allows institutions to customize Course Catalog for their needs.


Learners can search the catalog for the subscription membership. When they purchase that offering, they will see the catalog of courses that is available with that subscription and be able to enroll in any of those courses.


The offering manager configures one offering as the subscription course and sets up other offerings to be viewable only by those learners who have purchased the subscription course. This is accomplished by giving learners who purchase the subscription course a specific institutional role, and allowing only learners with that role to view and enroll in the courses included in the subscription.

Image 1: Manager sets the offering as the subscription offering and assigns the role to the learner.

Subscription role being assigned to a learner


Availability: Available for all Course Catalog courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: See Configure Course Catalog for a subscription model.

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Graduation and Withdrawal Emails

Release date: Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of January 13th
Impact: Administrators 
Updated Topic: Notification Settings

Administrators can set up templates for Graduation and Withdrawal Emails to be sent to learners. Graduation emails are sent automatically based on a date configured in the system. Withdrawal emails are sent to learners you select from the database of Course Catalog users on demand. The withdrawal email also allows you to make learner accounts unavailable or disabled and to remove learners’ graduation dates from the system. These emails can be used to manage communication about learners’ Course Catalog accounts.


Availability: Available for all Course Catalog courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: These email templates are configured in Course Catalog at Administration > Settings > Notifications. The configuration for when the Graduation Email is sent will be done by Anthology Professional Services experts; you should submit a ticket for assistance with this configuration.

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Accessibility Improvements

Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of December 16th 
Impact: Learners

Various accessibility improvements have been released, including improvements to the consistency of the language tags used for screen readers throughout the application. These improvements make the application more accessible to all learners.


Learners will see an improved experience with screen readers.


Availability: Available for all Course Catalog courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: No configuration is needed.

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Course IDs column added to Payment Code list

Test/Stage: Week of December 16th; Production: week of December 16th 
Impact: Administrators

A Course IDs column has been added to the Payment Code list display in the Settings area of Course Catalog. This column makes it easier for administrators to manage codes because they can see at a glance which courses the codes apply to.


Image 1: The Payment Code list now has a Course IDs column. 

A payment code list with a Course ID column

Availability: Available for all Course Catalog Courses.

Activation: None needed.

Configuration: No configuration is required. 

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