Grades Journey | Blackboard v3900.106.0

Release to Test/Stage: Tuesday, 12 November 2024 | Release to Production: Thursday, 5 December 2024

This release has features in four areas impacting administrators.

Time to Lock Course

Impact: Administrators

If you choose the option to lock a course after a grade column due date, you can choose the time that the locking job will run each day. If no time is chosen, the job will run at midnight. This allows you to customize the workflow for locking courses by choosing the time that works for your institution. 

Time to lock course interface

This setting is located in the Grade Extract Approval Workflow > Grade Approval and Transfer Settings area.

Include Unposted Grades

Impact: Administrators

If you select this option, unposted grades will be included in the grade extract. Previously, it was only possible to extract posted grades.

This setting is located in the Grade Extract Approval Workflow > Grade Approval and Transfer Settings area.

New Column Mappings for Last Grader

Impact: Administrators

Two new column mappings will return information about the last grader for each item.

  • User.GRADER_FULLNAME indicates the full name of the last grader of the gradable item.
  • User.GRADER_EMAIL indicates the email of the last grader of the gradable item.

Admin Logs

Admin logs that contain information about successful events, errors, and debug messages are available for administrators. To access the logs, on the Admin panel in the Content Management section choose Manage Content > institution > logs > platformExtensions > gradeExport. The logs are updated every hour and maintain data for five days.

This release also includes various improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • An issue that prevented tests from being provisioned correctly was fixed.