Ally 2.10.1 | Release to production: August 8, 2024 

Support for the new Blackboard Content Designer Enhanced Documents

Ally now supports the new enhanced Documents in Blackboard for both instructors (Instructor Feedback) and students (Alternative Formats) to help encourage accessible and engaging content for all users.  Instructors and students will see the applicable Ally indicators on the new Documents to continue to take advantage of these Ally features.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  • Improved the Ally guidance for items that do not begin at the highest level by providing consistent wording that applies to all rich text editors where heading options don't always start at level 1.
  • Fixed an issue where the wording in the Ally guidance for PDFs identified as lacking a language incorrectly mentioned header fixes (instead of language). 
  • Fixed an issue for Canvas pages where the Alternative Formats icon was not correctly positioned on the page title.
  • Fixed an issue in Blackboard where images were not displayed in the Ally Instructor Feedback when launched from the Course Accessibility Report.
  • Fixed an issue within the Institutional Report where the Other Courses option in the term dropdown of the Courses tab did not correctly filter courses without terms and instead displayed all courses in the institution.
  • Fixed an accessibility issue in the Institutional Report where screen readers were not announcing the control label of the dropdown button to select terms.
  • Fixed an accessibility issue within the Instructor Feedback where the tooltip for the color selector in Ally's quick fix for text contrast issues was not appearing with keyboard navigation. (The HEX color code is now announced by screen readers).
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the focus indicator incorrectly appeared on the pagination component at the top-left corner of the Instructor Feedback after the guidance panel was closed using keyboard navigation. (The focus now remains on the triggering element).
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where the Ally icon tooltips were not disappearing when pressing the ESC key.
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where in some cases screen readers could not read buttons within the Instructor Feedback for issues identified in WYSIWYG content.
  • Fixed an accessibility issue where in some cases the side panels within the Ally Instructor Feedback could not be scrolled using keyboard arrows.