Flexible grading

Exclude attempt when grading – 3900.100

Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Instructors, Students

Allowing students to submit multiple attempts for an assessment can help them stay on track. It can improve the quality of the assessment and boost student success.  

However, there are some circumstances where an attempt doesn’t need to be graded. For example, the student may have submitted the wrong file, or their submission may be incomplete or an outlier.  

We added a new option to help instructors remove submissions from the grading workflow without having to delete them. When grading a student, you can now select Exclude Attempt to remove it from the Needs Grading workflow.  

If an attempt is excluded, the Excluded label appears above the attempt grade and in the attempt selector. If you need to remove the attempt exclusion, select  from the menu.  

Grade calculations ignore excluded attempts. Students aren’t automatically granted an additional attempt if an attempt is excluded. You can grant additional attempts to the student via the exception's workflow.  

You can exclude any submitted attempt by a student. If you exclude an attempt when the student has no remaining attempts, you receive a warning that their final grade can’t be calculated.  

When students review their submissions, a banner notification appears on excluded attempts.

Image 1. Instructor view of the Exclude attempt menu option

Instructor view of the Exclude attempt menu option 

Image 2. Instructor view of the Exclude label above the grade and in the attempt selector

Instructor view of the Exclude label above the grade and in the attempt selector

Image 3. Warning that a student has no remaining attempts and the final grade can't be calculated

Warning that appears if a student has no remaining attempts

For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed. 

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