Learn Core & Security

Assessment IP Address Filtering – 3900.98

Blackboard Learn SaaS 
Ultra Experience 
Ultra Course View 
Impact: Administrators, Instructors, Students
Related topic: Assessment IP Address Filtering, Assessment Settings (Instructor)

Assessments are sometimes administered in proctored environments to ensure academic integrity. Instructors can now restrict an assessment by location in Ultra Course View. This restriction prevents students from taking tests outside of proctored locations or taking tests on another’s behalf.

To restrict by location, select Test Settings, then Assessment Security. Finally, select your Location restriction. No restriction is the default value.

Image 1. Location restriction configuration for a test

Assessment security screen with location restriction option highlighted

Students are informed if a test is restricted by location before starting it. They're also informed if they are not meeting the IP address rules when starting an attempt and during the test.  

Image 2. Student being informed that a test is restricted by location

Test panel indicating to student that test is location restricted

Image 3. Student being informed when not meeting IP filtering rules

Location restriction pop up informing student that they are not in the correct location to take test.

For administrators: The configuration for IP filtering rules in Administrator Tool Panel > Course Settings > Grading Security Settings. For the range, enter as many filters as necessary to correctly capture the part of the network used in the testing environment. We will support multiple profile configurations in a future release.

Image 4. Configuration of IP filter rules from Administrator Tool Panel 

Grading security settings with IP filters on Administrator Panel

Return to August 2024 – 3900.98.0 Release description