Needs Grading improvements for assessments allowing multiple attempts – 3900.95
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topics: Grading & Submissions and Grade Multiple Attempts
The value of multiple attempts on an assessment ranges from support of mastery learning to reducing student anxiety. To help instructors grade assessments with multiple attempts, we have added new settings.
When an instructor chooses to allow multiple attempts, there is now a way to see which attempt(s) display as Needs Grading.
From the ‘Attempts to grade’ menu. The options are:
- First attempt
- Last attempt (default)
- All attempts
Example: An assessment allows 3 attempts; a student made 3 submissions
Option | Attempt(s) counting towards Needs Grading | Needs Grading count |
First attempt | The first attempt submitted by the student | 1 |
Last attempt | The last attempt submitted by the student | 1 |
All attempts | All attempts submitted by the student | 3 |
Instructors will always have access to all attempts submitted by a student in the grading interface. The Attempts to grade setting only controls which attempts display as Needs Grading.
If All attempts is selected, the instructor must also select the calculation method for the student’s grade.
From the Final grade calculation menu, the options are:
- Average
- Highest (default)
- Lowest
Image 1. Updated 'Attempts to grade' setting
Image 2. New 'Final grade calculation' setting
Image 3. Updated Submissions page with the Needs Grading filter applied; in this example, the instructor elected to grade the last attempt, which is now also displayed
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.