Tests & Assignments
Print answer key for assessments – 3900.95
Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: Instructors
Related topic: Print Assessments
Instructors can now print an answer key for their assessments. A printed answer key is helpful for grading any printed assessment.
Printing provides a convenient solution for a variety of use cases:
- Accommodating students with specific needs or limited technology access
- Providing a printed assessment for testing in designated centers
- Backup and record keeping
- Conducting offline assessment
- Documentation and compliance
- Maintaining security and integrity
The print answer key option is available in Tests and Assignments with questions. Instructors may also save answer keys as a PDF.
To print an answer key from an assessment, navigate to the assessment. Select Print from the Content and Settings tab.
We plan to support printing question pools and printing from the mobile app in upcoming releases.
Image 1. Print answer key option
Image 2. Select desired print options
For administrators: This feature is available for all Ultra courses. There are no configurations needed.