Learn SaaS release 3900.17.0: Update to client Production environments
Blackboard Learn SaaS Continuous Delivery v3900.17.0 | Release to Production 1 July 2021
Original Experience
We're applying an updated version of 3900.17.0 to client Production servers on Thursday, July 1, 2021. Due to an issue identified during today’s rollout, clients will receive different build numbers depending on the time their update was performed.
Updates with full release number 3900.17.0-rel.37+505c78f include only:
- In the Original Experience, the installer was leaving the SCORM B2 in a corrupted state after an upgrade failure. We've fixed the issue.
- In the Original Experience, the Rustici Engine required a provider update to fix a library defect and installation snags. We've fixed the issue.
Updates with full release number 3900.17.0-rel.42+b2e6934 include the above fixes as well as:
- In the Original Experience, we've implemented an enhancement to reduce the need for heavy load and to avoid system slow down for the loadAllAchievements process.
- In the Original Experience, a table lock issue prevented upgrades, leading to some outages. We've fixed the issue.
The next full rollout will include all fixes for everyone.