Blackboard Achieve – New Detailed Data filtered by Institutional Hierarchy Node, Course, and/or Student.

Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 29 June 2021

New features, Blackboard Achieve


This feature is only available to clients with the Blackboard Achieve license.

We are excited to announce the addition of detail-level data, with the grains of institutional hierarchy node, course, and/or student, in all reports and report tabs. We have added new tables with disaggregated data and relevant measures to support your operational needs. These tables provide actionable insights that enable your decisions and interventions with individual academic units/programs, courses/instructors, and/or students. 

This feature is now available to clients participating in our early adopters cohort for Blackboard Achieve. With the early input from cohort participants, we plan to continue iterating on this feature to improve the presentation and the scope of measures on instructional practices and student engagement and performance.