Blackboard Reach 1.5 Release
Here's what the Blackboard Reach 1.5 release includes:
- Bug fixes
- Enhancements
Bug fixes and enhancements
- Enhanced user experience
- Loading overlay properly addressed by covering complete page when the page loads.
- Width of buttons, padding between date range fields, and findings related to mobile and tablet view addressed.
- Empty state messages are displayed in the direct message modal and a chat with no activity.
- When users view a quoted direct message in its original thread, the background will be highlighted in light pink.
- Improved search results
- Fixed an issue where read messages appeared as unread in impersonating view.
- Improved operability
- Fixed an issue where live messages weren't populated during a chat.
- HTML formatting is retained in the message when users reply.
- Fixed an issue where teachers were able to see students from different classes.
- Fixed an issue where the student relationship isn't getting shown when the student was added to a group.
- Fixed an issue where classes duplicated for parent associated more than one student of the same class.
- Fixed an issue so that the appropriate parents and students results are returned when a teacher searches from the direct message search box.
- Improved reporting and reliability
- Classes related to the school will be auto-populated in usage reports when the school is enabled in Reach.
- Number of users accessing via mobile app is included in usage reports.
- Time now displays correctly in search results in Messages.
- User reports are automatically populated and generate reports on time based on real-time data.
- Improved settings
- Fixed an issue where empty channel names (No Name) displayed under settings.
- Fixed an issue with the Staff ID getting changed when the login ID was changed.
- Updated the default browser validation to custom validation if Sign in is selected without entering the login ID and password.
- Improved profile page
- Users are alerted to unsaved changes in the profile page.
- Adding an email ID will have proper validation and action buttons enabled appropriately.
- Name of field values changes to suit the user profiles.
- Fixed an issue where the Delete action was disabled when users want to delete email IDs.
- Enhanced email digest
- Users will be sent to the district Google Play store or Apple App store link when they click the icon present in the email digest.
- Users are shown "pending confirmation" and "resend confirmation" links when they opt-in with an ID for email digest.