Configure courses
Go to your Ally Configuration page and turn Ally on for all courses or decide course-by-course. It's up to you.
- View how many of your courses use Ally.
- Turn Ally on or off for all existing courses. Decide ahead of time if you want it enabled for all future courses as well.
- Search for individual courses or filter all course by enabled, disabled, and term.
- Turn Ally on or off for individual courses.
Turn Ally on or off for a single course
When Ally is on, instructors and students benefit from the accessibility scores, instructor feedback and alternative formats that Ally provides.
The Institutional report is available for all courses. It doesn't matter if Ally is on or off in a course. The course appears in the Institutional report.
From Ally Configuration, find the course you want to update. Use the Search field and filters to search by course title, course ID and course code.
Select Enable or Disable under the Enabled column to turn Ally on or off.
- Ally is off: Select Enable course UI integration to turn on
- Ally is on: Select Disable course UI integration to turn off
Turn Ally on or off for all courses
Not sure if all courses are using Ally or not? At the top of the Ally Configuration page, see how many of your courses are currently using Ally.
When Ally is on, instructors and students benefit from the accessibility scores, instructor feedback and alternative formats that Ally provides.
The Institutional report is available for all courses. It doesn't matter if Ally is on or off in a course. The course appears in the Institutional report.
You can turn Ally on or off in every existing course from the Ally Configuration page. Select Disable/enable all courses and select Disable or Enable.
Select Enable in future courses if you want Ally automatically on in all new courses.
If you don't select this, new courses will not have Ally enabled. If you want Ally on at a later date, turn Ally on for single courses.
After you choose to disable or enable in all courses, you need to confirm your choice. Select Enable or Disable, depending on your choice. Select Cancel if you changed your mind and don't want to change anything.
Turn Ally on for all new courses only
When Ally is on, instructors and students benefit from the accessibility scores, instructor feedback and alternative formats that Ally provides.
The Institutional report is available for all courses. It doesn't matter if Ally is on or off in a course. The course appears in the Institutional report.
Select Enable in future courses if you want Ally automatically on in all new courses.
If you don't select this, new courses will not have Ally enabled. If you want Ally on at a later date, turn Ally on for single courses.