Follow the speaker

As the discussion unfolds, the person speaking appears in the center of the screen. Select Grid View to see more than one attendee.

Microphones appear next to any attendees who have their microphone or phone audio turned on. A dark microphone is used to represent the current speaker. It moves to the current speaker as the discussion unfolds.

Audio and network indicators

  • On-air: Collaborate tells you when others in the session can see your video. If you see an eye, your video is the focus of everyone else's screen. If you see an eye while content is shared, others see your video as their picture-in-picture.
  • Audio status: See who is speaking and who has their microphone turned on. Microphones appear next to attendees who have their audio turned on. A dark microphone is used to represent the current speaker. As with the follow-the-speaker view, the dark microphone moves to the current speaker as the discussion unfolds.
  • Network status: You can tell at-a-glance who is in your session and who might be having trouble connecting. Network indicators have been added to the Attendees panel. These tell you when someone is in the process of joining your session, if users are connected, and how their connection is. Move your pointer over attendees in the Attendees panel to see the indicators. Move your pointer over the indicator to see network status information.
  • Unresponsive status: See who in your session may be unresponsive and not able to participate fully. For example, they may not be able to raise their hand or post a chat message.