Let others hear and see you

You can select the microphone and video camera icons any time during a meeting to turn them on or off.

With your keyboard, press Alt + M to turn your microphone on and off. Press Alt + C to turn your camera on and off.

The microphone automatically turns on after you enable it, but you will get to preview how you'll look on screen before sharing your video.

Your video will appear backwards to you. This is normal. Your video will appear correctly to others in the session and in recordings. You won't appear backwards to other attendees or in recordings. Video is only mirrored in your preview window.

Moderators can mute attendees anytime during the session. You are notified, if a moderator has muted you.

Collab number of videos shown

If other attendees are sharing their video, the number you can see depends on your browser and device.

  • Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge (Chromium): up to 25 videos with Gallery view

    Gallery view isn't available in Safari® on iOS or iPadOS at this time.

  • FireFox: 2 videos
  • Sessions greater than 250: 2 videos