Community Engagement 10.4.2
An upgrade to Blackboard's data import process and tools. The goal of this development work is three fold:
- To improve the stability and efficiency of data imports into the Blackboard system
- To provide additional flexibility for importing data
- To speed up the overall data implementation process
While most of the work completed in this release is "behind the scenes" there were a few updates that may or may not be noticeable by your organization. A quick summary of those updates are as follows:
- Renamed the "System Messages" subtab to "Automated Messages"
- Re-designed the page layout of the new Automated Messages page.
- Created the ability to setup Auto Imports that setup and run immediately based on a received file.
- Removed SIF as an import method
- Removed the name "ParentLink" from the interface. Replaced it with "Blackboard"
Notable Bug Fixes included in this 10.4.2 release
- Fixed an issue where 6 days attendance threshold messages were not delivering successfully.
- Fixed an issue where the CLASSES tab was not loading for parents and students successfully
- Fixed an issue where student accounts where not merging correctly
- Fixed an issue where Lunch Balances messages were not delivering successfully if balance was below a negative number
- Fixed a broken link on the home screen that took you to Bb Comms Webinar trainings
- Fixed an issue where library book photos were not displaying correctly on district apps
- Fixed an issue where a large import of new accounts was presenting a memory error
- Fixed an issue where manually deleting an account gave the user an error
- Fixed an issue where Time Zones were getting mixed up on the Automated Messages page
- Fixed an issue where system permissions were not allowing school admins to add Custom Message Content.
The roll out of this release is scheduled to occur on May 22nd. Not all systems will be updated at once as we methodically rollout these changes.