Met één klik kom je bij waardevolle bronnen die bijdragen aan het succes van studenten met Blackboard Assist!

Blackboard Assist is een centrale hub voor online en on-campus bronnen die bedoeld zijn om studenten succesvol te laten zijn. Je kunt je studenten aanraden om de services van de instelling te gebruiken die het meest geschikt zijn voor hun behoeften.

Assist is alleen beschikbaar voor SaaS-implementaties.

Screenshot of Blackboard Assist Page

Wordt er geen service weergegeven? Neem contact op met je beheerder.

Blackboard Assist

Try out services!

Each service, institutional and featured, allows you to try out the service directly from the Blackboard Assist page in Learn. Institutional services are offered by your institution. Partner services are offered by institution partners or third-party vendors. Featured services are highlighted by your institution and can be institutional or third-party vendors.

Read Blackboard's privacy statement

Your institution can highlight two Featured Services. All other services are listed below the featured services. Each service includes the service title, a description of the service, and a service category. Institutional services are highlighted with your institution logo.

Some services require you to create an account to use the service. Select Try it out to preview the service without an account. If you create an account in the service, you can still access it through the Assist page.