The Social and Collaborative Engagement report helps you understand and answer: 

  • Learning Tools Engagement
    • What proportion of students engages with learning tools?
    • What’s the student distribution by learning tools?

    • How do Institutional Hierarchy Nodes compare in regards to student engagement with learning tools?

    • What's the student engagement with learning tools per course?

    • What's the level of engagement with learning tools per student?

  • Virtual Classroom Engagement

    • ​​​What proportion of students participates in Collaborate sessions?

    • What’s the student distribution by participation in Collaborate sessions?

    • What’s the student participation in Collaborate sessions per course?

    • What's the level of participation in Collaborate sessions per student?


Data Source: Blackboard Learn, Class Collaborate. 

Use Controls 

You can use the Controls section to filter and refine the data shown in each report tab based on your needs. Each tab has a specific set of Controls or filters you can use. You can always go back and reset your controls.  

Get a more detailed description of each control in our Anthology Illuminate Reporting Glossary Controls Section

Learning Tools Engagement

What proportion of students engages with learning tools?

This donut chart shows the number of student enrollments that are inactive, have interacted, and have contributed to learning tools.


  • Inactive are student enrollments that haven't interacted or contributed to learning tools.
  • Interacted are student enrollments that reviewed learning tools but did not contribute to them.
  • Contributed are student enrollments that reviewed and took part in learning tools. For example, they reviewed a forum and submitted an entry.

Additional filter option:

Which engagement measure do you want to display?

Refine your dataset by the type of student enrollments measure with learning tools you prefer to use.

  • Total interaction count
  • Weekly average interaction count (median)
  • Total contribution count
  • Weekly average contribution count (median) 

What’s the minimum, maximum, and average engagement with learning tools?


  • The average is calculated as the median. The median is the middle value when a data set is ordered from least to greatest.
  • Minimum, maximum, and average calculations include data points that differ significantly from other observations. 
  • Minimum, maximum, and average calculations are based on the engagement measure you selected in the additional filter option Which engagement measure do you want to display?

What’s the student distribution by engagement in learning tools?

This bar chart shows the number of student enrollments grouped by a range of engagement in learning tools within the filters you’ve selected.


  • Engagement is based on the engagement measure you selected in the additional filter option Which engagement measure do you want to display?

What’s the engagement by learning tool?

This table shows how student enrollments engage with different learning tools within the filters you’ve selected.


  • This measure only counts active student enrollments.
  • Engagement is based on the engagement measure you selected in the additional filter option Which engagement measure do you want to display?

How do Institutional Hierarchy Nodes compare in regards to student engagement with learning tools?

This stacked bar chart shows how student enrollments engage with learning tools in each of the children of the Institutional Hierarchy Node you've selected.


  • Engagement is based on the engagement measure you selected in the additional filter option Which engagement measure do you want to display?

What's the student engagement with learning tools per course?

This table shows how students engage with learning tools in each course within the filters you've selected.


What's the level of engagement with learning tools per student?

This table shows how each student enrollment engages with learning tools within the filters you’ve selected.


Virtual Classroom Engagement

What proportion of students participates in Collaborate sessions?

This donut chart shows the number of student enrollments that have attended and haven't attended Collaborate synchronous sessions within the filters you've selected.


  • Inactive are student enrollments that haven't attended a session.
  • Active are student enrollments that attended a session.

What’s the minimum, maximum, and average engagement with learning tools?


  • The average is calculated as the median. The median is the middle value when a data set is ordered from least to greatest.
  • Minimum, maximum, and average calculations include data points that differ significantly from other observations. 

What’s the student distribution by participation in Collaborate sessions?

This stacked bar chart shows the number of student enrollments grouped by a range of the percentage of time student enrollments participate in synchronous course sessions on Collaborate within the children of the Institutional Hierarchy Node you’ve selected.


  • The measure is based on a total of hours per course for sessions in which both students and instructors were present.

What’s the student participation in Collaborate sessions per course?

This table shows how students participate in Collaborate sessions in each course within the filters you've selected.


What's the level of participation in Collaborate sessions per student?

This table shows how much each student participates in Collaborate sessions within the filters you’ve selected.
