You don't have to register or sign in to use your school's website. But, registered users who sign in may have access to additional features and information.

Basic navigation

Most school websites share the same basic navigation elements. However, the elements can appear in different areas based on your school's chosen design.

What you see before and after you sign in is slightly different.

  1. District Home
  2. Select a School
  3. Sign In


    My Account

  4. Register: If self-registration is enabled, you can register to receive more information and on-screen alerts.
  5. Dashboard: After you sign in, you can access these pages:
  6. Channels: Access menus that are visible on each page you navigate to. Typical channels include Home, Staff, Departments, and Calendar.

If a channel menu has many pages, select the More link to access a directory page with a full list.