The Snapshot Flat File provides the ability to integrate using the latest LEARN data objects. Below is a comprehensive list of the supported objects, their UI to Feed Header naming conventions, usage description, and data requirements.

As the data feed is a text file all data is represented as a string. In some cases specific formatting and length are noted. Where required by the field supported values are provided. Required fields are highlighted and noted.

LEARN Objects:



Course/Organization Membership


Secondary Institution Role Association

Observer Association


Category Membership

Hierarchy Node

Hierarchy User Association

Hierarchy Course Association

Goal Association

LEARN Object: User

SIS Object: Person

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_person_key

Description: A unique identifier for a user at the institution. This ID is provided by the institution and is not displayed to users.

It is strongly recommended that the key data be a permanent, non-changing identifier for each user. An example of a good key is a permanent Student ID assigned when the person applies to the institution. Please note that the database cannot merge data between distinct accounts.

Max length 64.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max. length: 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


First Name (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    firstname

Description: The user's given first name.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Last Name (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    lastname

Description: The user's family/last name.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Username (Required)

Required:     Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:   user_id

Description: The username used to log into Blackboard Learn. The username must be unique.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Name Pronunciation

Required:     No

Unique:    No

Header:  TBC

Description: Phonetic spelling or pronunciation guide for user’s name.

Max length: 1000. Multi-byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    passwd

Description: The password used to log into Blackboard Learn. If a password is not provided in the data feed Learn auto-populates this field with a SHA-512 password for security purposes.

Max length 32. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    available_ind

Description: User account availability within the user interface. If set to no, the user account will appear in gray to the Administrator and Instructors. The user will not be able to log into the system. Values may be "Y" for yes, or "N" for no.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    birthdate

Description: The user's birth date.

Format: yyyymmdd.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    city

Description: The city name corresponding to the user's address.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    company

Description: The name of the company for which the user works.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    country

Description: The country name corresponding to the user's address.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    department

Description: The name of the department or sub-section where the user works.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Education Level

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    educ_level

Description: The highest level of education achieved by the user.

Supported values: "K-8", "high school", "freshman", "sophomore", "junior", "senior", "graduate school", "post- graduate school"



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    email

Description: The email address of the user. Blackboard recommends that user_email is not null. Users without an email address cannot send email.

Max length 100


Institution Email

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    inst_email

Description: The institution email address of the user. inst_email can be set to Null. No email communications are sent to the inst_email.

Max length 254


Required:    No
Unique:    No
Header:   pronouns
Description: This is the user’s pronouns. Multiple pronoun values are accepted using comma as delimiter.

Max length 1000



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    gender

Description: The gender of the user.

Supported values: "Not Disclosed", "Male", "Female"


Home Phone

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    h_phone_1

Description: The user's home phone number.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Home Phone (Secondary)

Required:    No

Unique:    No h_phone_2

Description: An additional home phone number associated with the user.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Job Title

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    job_title

Description: The associated job title for the user.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Middle Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No middlename

Description: The user's given middle name.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Mobile Phone

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    m_phone

Description: The user's mobile phone or pager number.


Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Other Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    othername

Description: This is the user's alternate preferred name.

Max length: 100.


Password Encryption Type

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    pwencryptiontype

Description: This field sets the password encryption type used to encrypt the password in the database.

Supported values are: MD5, SSHA


Primary Institution Role

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    institution_role

Description: The user's Primary Institution Role, which determines the user's view of the Portal Modules and other items.

See "Manage Institution Roles" in the System Admin panel for the list of valid Institution Roles on the system.


Required:    No
Unique:    No
Header:    pronouns
Description: This is the user's pronouns.

Max length 1000.


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_person_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when a user's EXTERNAL_PERSON_KEY changes.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of user elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.UserReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    state

Description: The state or province name corresponding to the user's address.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Street 1

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    street_1

Description: The first line of the address of the user.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Street 2

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    street_2

Description: The second line of the address of the user.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


Student ID

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    student_id

Description: Generic identifier field. This is a display only field.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    suffix The user's name suffix.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.


System Role

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    system_role

Description: The user's administrative role, describing the user's level of system administration privilege. The role of "none" has no system administration or Course creation privileges associated with it, and is the most commonly assigned role. The following strings are acceptable: User Administrator: "account_admin", "accountadmin" or "user_admin" System Support: "system_support" or "syssupport" Course Creator: "course_creator" or "creator" Support: "course_support" or "support" Guest: "guest"
None: "none" Observer: "observer"
Portal Administrator: "portal_admin" or "portal" System Administrator: "sys_admin", "sysadmin" or "system_admin" eCommerce Administrator: "ecommerce_admin" Card Office Administrator: "card_office_admin" Store Administrator: "store_admin" User defined system roles can be used. Just match the "Role ID" found in Administrator Panel > System Role If one is not given the system defaults to none. Title No No title The title that the user prefers to use.

Max length 100. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    webpage

Description: The URL of the user's personal Web page, if they have one.

Max length 100


Work Phone

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    b_Phone _1

Description: The work phone number associated with the user.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Work Phone (Secondary)

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    b_phone_2

Description: An additional work phone number associated with the user.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


Zip/Postal Code

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    zip_code

Description: The user's ZIP or Postal Code.

Max length 50. Multi byte characters accepted.


LEARN Object: Course and Organization

SIS Object: Course or Organization

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_course_key.external_organization_key

Description: Short name used by the Institution to uniquely identify the Course or Organization section. This is not displayed to users. Can contain only letters, digits, dashes and periods. No spaces or other punctuation allowed. Must be unique for each Course and Organization, and is often the same as the COURSE_ID or ORGANIZATION_ID.

Max length 64. Must be unique. Multi byte characters accepted.


Course ID or Organization ID (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    course_id or organization_id

Description: Short name used by the institution to uniquely identify the Course or Organization (for example, math101_F99 or ChessClub) The following characters may not be used: space ( ) & / ' +

Max length 100. Must be unique and cannot be changed.


Course Name or Organization Name (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    course_name/organization_name

Description: Complete title of the Course or Organization. This is used for display.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish a grouping of Course or organization elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max. length: 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Course View

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:   course_experience

Description: Determines which course view will appear for new courses. This field is insert only and can't be updated through the SIS framework. 

Supported values: Original, Ultra, or Instructor choice.


Organization View

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:  organization_experience

Description: Allows clients to select the experience they want to create their organization in. This field is insert only and can't be updated through the SIS framework. 

Supported values: Original, Ultra, or Instructor choice.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    classification_key

Description: This determines the classification (subject area and the discipline) of the course. This is an Id representing the primary key for the classification.

Max length 450



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    desc_page_ind

Description: This field is currently not supported. Integrations should not use this field.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    days_of_use

Description: Number of days that Students may access the Course after enrollment. Useful for self-paced learning. This value is only used if the duration is set to 'FIXED' and it describes the number of days the course can be used after creation.

Numeric. For example: 120



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    service_level

Description: Not typically used in data feeds. Ignore.

Specifies the type of course.

C = Community = Organization

F = Full = Course

R = Registered = (is not used)

T = Test_Drive = (is not used)

S = System = A course with limited functions to protect data comprising the course.

Supported values: 'F', 'C', 'R', 'T', 'S'


Allow Guests

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    allow_guest_ind

Description: Allows guest access to the Course.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Allow Observers

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    allow_observer_ind

Description: Allows observer access to the Course.

Supported values: 'Y", 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    available_ind

Description: Establishes Course or organization availability to Blackboard. If use_term_avail_ind is 'Y', this flag is ignored and this course's availability is determined by its associated term available_ind.

Supported values: 'Y", 'N'


Cross Listed Course Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    master_course_key

Description: Parent course EXTERNAL_COURSE_KEY of which this course is a child.

Max length: 64



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    description

Description: Complete description of the Course.

Max length 4000. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    duration

Description: This is to indicate if the duration of the course availability is continuous, date range, x days from enrollment, or term-dictated.

Options are:

  • Continuous: 'C' = The Course is always accessible.
  • Range: 'R' = The Course is accessible in the days between one START_DATE and END_DATE. Either the beginning date or the end date can be left open-ended to make a Course accessible from a certain date or until a certain date.
  • Duration: 'D' = N days from enrollment
  • Term: 'T' = term-dictated (the associated term's duration controls this course's duration)

Supported values: "C", "R", "D", "T"


Educational Pace

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    pace

Description: Indicates if the Course is Instructor-led or self- paced according to the Student.

Supported values: "Self", "Instructor"


End Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    end_date

Description: Date on which access to the Course ends.

Format: yyyymmdd


Enforce Language Pack

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    locale_enforced

Description: A flag that determines if the language pack is enforced when a user accesses the Course. If the language pack is not enforced, the user may view the Course using their preferred language pack.

Supported values: 'Y','N'


Enrollment Access Code

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    enroll_access_code

Description: This is the access code for students to use when enrolling to the course.

Max length 50.


Enrollment End Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    enroll_end

Description: Date that enrollment is no longer available to Students.

Format: yyyymmdd


Enrollment Start Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    enroll_start

Description: Date that enrollment may begin.

Format: yyyymmdd


Enrollment Type

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    enroll_option

Description: Determines the enrollment method.

Supported values: "instructor", "self", or "email".



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    fee

Description: Fee associated with this Course or Organization.

Numeric. 11 characters, 2 decimal places. Eg 1500.00


Institution Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    institution_name

Description: The name of the institution.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Language Pack

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    locale

Description: Identifier for the preferred language pack. The value is expressed as xx_XX, for example, the French language pack is represented by fr_FR

Max length 20.


Locked Out

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    lockout_ind

Description: Indicates if access to the Course or Organization has been restricted. If set to "Y" access to the Course or organization will be restricted based on the END_DATE and START_DATE.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Maximum disk usage (soft limit)

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    soft_limit

Description: Soft limit on course quota. This setting triggers warning emails when course folder storage reaches the soft_limit specified and course quotas are in effect.

Numeric. eg: 10MB would be 10485760 bytes.


Primary Association Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_association_key

Description: The external key of the node with which the course should be primarily associated. The course uses that node's tool setting defaults to create its own settings. This is the same field as "external_association_key" from the Course Association feed; except this association is the "primary" one... meaning it will copy its Tool setting defaults on course creation.

The proper minimum required headers for creating courses that are meant to be associated with an Institutional Hierarchy node are:







Primary Node Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    primary_external_node_key

Description: This is the same field as "external_node_key" from the Course Association feed; except this is the primary association.

The proper minimum required headers for creating courses that are meant to be associated with an Institutional Hierarchy node are:






Max length: 256


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_course_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when a Course's or Organization's EXTERNAL KEY changes.

Max length 64. Must be unique. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of user elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.CourseReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


Show In Catalog

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    catalog_ind

Description: Establishes whether the Course or Organization appears in catalog.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Source Course Copy key.Source Organization Copy Key

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    template_course_key.template_organization_key

Description: External key of content source for copy operations.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Start Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    start_date

Description: Date on which access to the Course section begins.

Format: yyyymmdd



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    term_key

Description: Associated EXTERNAL_TERM_KEY

Max length 256.


Use Term Availability

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    use_term_availability_ind

Description: Flag to follow associated TERM for availability of course. If Y then the term for available_ind, startdate, and enddate are used; if N then the course settings are used.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



LEARN Object: Course and Organization Membership

Courses and Organizations require the same fields. Header will be specific to whether a course or organization is being created — note the differences when constructing data feeds.

SIS Object: Course or Organization Memberships (Enrollments and Staff Assignments)

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Course Batch Uid or Organization Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_course_key or external_organization_key

Description: This is the same key used to identify the Course or Organization. 

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


User Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_person_key

Description: This is the external_person_key used to identify the user.

Max length: 64. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    hascartridgeaccess

Description: This field is not supported and targeted for removal. Ignore. New integrations should not use this field if existing integrations utilize this field they should cease to do so.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    available_ind

Description: Establishes enrollment availability in Blackboard Learn.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Image URL

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    Image_URL

Description: This field is not supported and targeted for removal. Ignore. New integrations should not use this field if existing integrations utilize this field they should cease to do so.


Include In Roster

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    roster_ind

Description: Flag indicating whether user is displayed in roster.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    intro

Description: Introduction information for User Home Page within the Course.

Max length 4000. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    notes

Description: Information pertinent to this user that may impact the course or organization participation.

Not limited. Multi byte characters accepted.


Personal Information

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    pinfo

Description: Personal Information for User Home Page.

Not limited. Multi byte characters accepted.


Primary instructor

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    primary_instructor

Description: Indicates membership is a primary instructor. Member must be a course role with the flag "treat as instructor." If member is not an instructor or does not have this flag, the option does not appear. If assigning a course role where the course role doesn't have the "treat as instructor" flag, a Y in the membership record is rejected.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Receive Email

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    receive_email_ind

Description: Flag whether email is enabled for this user.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.MemberReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    role

Description: The user's role in the Course.

Supported values: "Instructor", "teaching_assistant", "course_builder", "Grader", "Student", "guest", "none"


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


Website 1 Description

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_description_1

Description: Description for user website

Max length 255


Website 1 Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_name_1

Description: Name used in link to user website

Max length 100


Website 1 URL

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_url_1

Description: URL used in link to user website

Max length 100


Website 2 Description

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_description_2

Description: Description for user website

Max length 255


Website 2 Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_name_2

Description: Name used in link to user website

Max length 100


Website 2 URL

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_url_2

Description: URL used in link to user website

Max length 100


Website 3 Description

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_description_3

Description: Description for user website

Max length 255


Website 3 Name

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_name_3

Description: Name used in link to user website

Max length 100


Website 3 URL

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    link_url_3

Description: URL used in link to user website

Max length 100


LEARN Object: Term

SIS Object:Term

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_term_key

Description: Short name used by the Institution to uniquely identify the Term. This is not displayed to users. Can contain only letters, digits, dashes and periods. No spaces or other punctuation allowed..

Max length 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of Term elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Name (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    name

Description: Name of the term.

Max length 333



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    days_of_use

Description: Number of days that Students may access the Course after enrollment. Useful for self-paced learning.




Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    available_ind

Description: Determines Term availability. If set to 'N', the associated objects will not be available.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    description

Description: Description of the Term

Not limited.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    duration

Description: Schedules term availability window.

Options are:

  • Continuous: The Term is always accessible.
  • Range: The Term is valid in the days between one START_DATE and END_DATE. Either the beginning date or the end date can be left open-ended to make a Term valid from a certain date or until a certain date.
  • Fixed: The Term is valid for a set number of days (DAYS_OF_USE). 

Supported values: Continuous, Range, Fixed


End Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    end_date

Description: This is the date that the term stops to be available to access.

Format: yyyymmdd


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_term_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when a terms EXTERNAL KEY changes.

Max length 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.TermReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

  • Enabled: Normal access to the record.
  • Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.
  • Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


Start Date

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    start_date

Description: This is the date that the term begins to be available to access.

Format: yyyymmdd


LEARN Object: Secondary Institution Role Association

SIS Object:User Secondary Institution Role

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Secondary Institution Role Id (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    role_id

Description: The identifier for the secondary institution role for this association.


User Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_person_key

Description: The user external_person_key (batch_uid) to be used for this association.

Max Length 64.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.SecondaryInstRoleReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed manually by the administrator in the future. The row is not deleted automatically via a task.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


LEARN Object: Observer Association

SIS Object:Observer Association

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length: 256. Multi byte characters accepted.


Observed Student (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_user_key

Description: The user external_person_key (batch_uid) to be used for this association. A unique identifier for a user with the Institution Role of Student at the institution. This ID is provided by the institution and is not displayed to users.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Observer (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_observer_key

Description: The observer external_person_key (batch_uid) to be used for this association. A unique identifier for a user with the system role of Observer at the institution.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.AssociateObserverReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


LEARN Object: Category

SIS Object:Course Category

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

dataSourceBatchUid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of category elements.

Multi byte characters accepted.


title (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    title

Description: The name of the category as it will appear to users within the UI.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_category_key

Description: Must be unique. Please note that this field corresponds to the Category Mnemonic field in the UI.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    description

Description: Category description.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    frontpage_ind

Description: Determines whether or not the category is displayed on the front page of the catalog.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    available_ind

Description: Establishes category availability within Blackboard Learn.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    restrict_ind

Description: Flag whether Course or Organization is restricted to members.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    parent_category_key

Description: The EXTERNAL_CATEGORY_KEY representing the Parent category of which this category is a child.

Max length 64.



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed. String.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_category_key

Description: Designates replacement for the current key.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.CourseCatReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


LEARN Object: Category Membership

SIS Object: Category Membership

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Disable

Learn Fields

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Description: Auto populated. Do not use in data feeds.


Category Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_category_key

Description: The EXTERNAL KEY (batch_uid) for the category to which to add the course/organization.

Max Length 64.


Course Batch Uid or Organization Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_course_key

Description: external_organization_key The EXTERNAL KEY (batch_uid) for the course or organization being categorized.

Max Length 64.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Multi byte characters accepted.


Is Available

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    available_ind

Description: Establishes category availability within Blackboard Learn.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.CourseCatMemReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


Row Status

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    row_status

Description: Sets the value of the record to one of the following: Enabled: Normal access to the record. Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed. Deleted: Record is scheduled to be removed.

Supported values: "enabled", "disabled", "deleted"


LEARN Object: Hierarchy Node

SIS Object: Hierarchy Node

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Purge

Learn Fields

These are the minimum required headers for creating an Institutional Hierarchy node:

  • external_node_key
  • data_source_key
  • parent_node_key
  • name

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_node_key

Description: Identifier used by the Institution to uniquely identify the hierarchy node. This is not displayed to users. Can contain only letters, digits, dashes and periods. No spaces or other punctuation allowed.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Parent Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    parent_node_key

Description: Parent external_node_key (batch uid) for this node.

Max length 64.


Name (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    name

Description: Node name

Max length: 255



Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    description

Description: Description of the node

Max length: 1000.


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_node_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when a Node's EXTERNAL KEY changes.

Max length 255. Must be unique. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.NodeReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'


LEARN Object: Hierarchy User Association

SIS Object: User Association

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Purge

Learn Fields

The minimum required headers for associating users to an Institutional Hierarchy node are:

  • external_user_key
  • external_node_key
  • external_association_key
  • data_source_key

Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_association_key

Description: The association id, which is the unique identifier of the user to node association.  Often a concatenation of the User Batch Uid and Node Batch Uid values to ensure uniqueness when a user can be assigned to more than one node.

Max length 64.


Node Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_node_key

Description: The node for this association, which is also the Node Identifier which can be found in the 'Edit Node' area in the GUI

Max length: 64.


User Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_user_key

Description: The user external_person_key (batch_uid) to be associated with this node.

Max length: 64.


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_association_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when an association's EXTERNAL KEY changes.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.UserAssociationReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'




LEARN Object: Hierarchy Course Association

SIS Object: Course Association

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Purge

Learn Fields

The minimum required headers for associating courses to an Institutional Hierarchy node are:

  • external_course_key
  • external_node_key
  • external_association_key
  • data_source_key

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    external_association_key

Description: Each course and node association must have a unique value that identifies this relationship. The Batch Uid is the unique identifier for the course-node relationship. 

Max length 64.


Course Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_course_key

Description: The course external_course_key (batch_uid) to be associated with this node.

Max length 64.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Node Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    external_node_key

Description: The node for this association.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Primary Association Indicator

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    is_primary_association

Description: Flag designating this association as the primary association when others may be specified.

Supported values: 'Y', 'N'.


Replacement Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    Yes

Header:    new_external_association_key

Description: This field is used only on the rare occasions when an association's EXTERNAL KEY changes.

Max length 64. Multi byte characters accepted.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.CourseAssociationReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'



LEARN Object: Goal Association

SIS Object: Goal Association

Default Insert/Update behavior: Smart Inserts or Updates

Default Delete Behavior: Purge

Learn Fields

Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    Yes

Header:    This has no header, it is auto populated. Ignore in integration feeds.

Description: A unique identifier for the relationship between the course and the goal (standard).

Max length 64.


Course Batch Uid (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    course_key

Description: The unique identifier (external_course_key) for the course to which the goal (standard) will be associated

Max length 64.


Data Source Key (Required) Supplied by the integration or the data file.

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    data_source_key

Description: Key used to establish grouping of user elements. Note this may be provided by the integration configuration and thus would not be required in the file.

Max length 255. Multi byte characters accepted.


Sub Goal Set (Required)

Required:    Yes

Unique:    No

Header:    std_sub_doc_key

Description: The unique identifier for the goal (standard) to associate to a course.

Max length 64.


Replacement Data Source Batch Uid

Required:    No

Unique:    No

Header:    new_data_source_key

Description: New key used to establish grouping of data elements. Replaces existing data source associating data with the group designated by the specified replacement data source key. Note: The UI mapping field for Replacement Data Source Batch Uid is 'script.flatfile.GoalAssociationReplacementDataSourceBatchUid'