Add tabs and modules to a node

After a hierarchy level node is created you can add tabs and modules to it. Tabs and modules are added the same way. Each tab and module are added from their tabs in the hierarchy. From there, Administrators search for tabs and modules that already exist in Blackboard Learn.

To add a tab to a hierarchy level node from the node:

  1. Navigate to the hierarchy level node you want to add a tab to.
  2. Select the Tabs tab.
  3. Select Add Tab.
  4. Search for a tab to select and select Submit.

    Tabs and modules can also be added to a hierarchy level node from their create/edit page.

Remove tabs and modules from a node

  1. Navigate to the hierarchy level node you want to remove.
  2. Select the Tabs tab.
  3. Find the tab you want to remove and open the its menu.
  4. Select Remove.

    You can also select Remove Node from the create/edit page.