Blackboard Reach 1.10 Release

Continuous Delivery 1.10 | Release to Production 12 Oct, 2021

Here's what the Blackboard Reach 1.10 release includes:

  • Enhanced user experience.


Authentication using passcode

We have added the passive translation feature so users can view the messages in their preferred language. 

Backend/DB level changes


Technical requirements

Here are the BBComms End User Technical Requirements and we also have updated the Blackboard Privacy Policy.

Refresh your cache

It's always a good practice to clear your browser cache on a regular basis. Refresh your Cache shows you how to clear your cache in any browser.

Resources and materials

As always, you can find resources and materials related to this release as well as to the many features and functions on the Blackboard Help websiteCore Resource & Help TopicsCommunication App, and Training — we’ve got the information you need to succeed with your BBComms.