X-Ray Learning Analytics 1.3

Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 27 Feb 2017

In this release, the classification of students of “at risk” in headline data and in the instructor recommendations was changed to include only students at high risk. It previously included both medium and high risk classification students. This change was made to increase the reliability and accuracy of the application after analyzing risk model performance in live courses. The “medium risk” classification will still appear within the risk report; only the counts of students in these categories and notifications are changed.

Bug fixes and minor enhancements:

  • List of at-risk students in recommendations has been limited to 10
  • Start date inconsistencies recommendations were corrected
  • Changes in the wording for the plagiarism recommendations
  • Best course grades recommended action does not display anymore when there are no grades
  • Fix in the RDS name for domain level reports filenames
  • In the activity report, the students logged in last week graph is now reactive