The table below provides descriptions of all the reports available in Blackboard Learn as well as the information contained within each report. Some reports are run at the system level, while others are run at the course level.
Blackboard Learn reports
Goal Reports can be run by selecting Goals and Assessments in the Admin Panel and selecting Run Reports. You can also run these reports in Base Navigation, by selecting Tools, then Goals and Assessments, then Run Reports.
System Activity Reports | Report Description |
Overall Summary of Usage | This report provides an overall summary of usage for the Blackboard Learn system. |
Course Activity Overview | This report displays overall activity within a single course, sorted by student and date. Data includes the total and average time spent per active student and the total amount and type of activity each student had in the course. Optionally, you can filter the report by one or more groups. Only students who are members of the selected groups are included in report results. |
Organization Activity Overview | This report is available only if your institution licenses Community Engagement. It provides an overview of the overall activity within a single organization, sorted by system and date. Data includes total average time spent per use and total amount of activity the user had in the course. |
User Activity Overview | This report provides overall system and course activity for all users including average logins, and time spent on task as well as statistics on user activity by course. |
User Statistics | This report provides an overview of the average number of users (students and instructors) per month and per day. |
Tracking Reports | This report is available only if your institution licenses Community Engagement. This report provides detailed usage statistics for courses and organizations. |
Site Page Views | This report provides details about the number of page views and course page views per month and per day. |
Debug Runtime Environment | This report provides system information to help the administrator analyze the runtime environment. |
Multi-Course User Participation | This report provides a download file of student academic contributions across all Blackboard Learn courses. It provides data required for the reporting of student academic contribution in compliance with Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) rules established by the U.S. Department of Education. |
Goal Reports | |
Full Coverage Overview | This report provides an overview of goal coverage within courses across all goals sets available within the system. |
Goal Set Coverage Overview | This report provides an overview of goal coverage for all categories within a single goal set across all courses using goals within this set. |
Category Coverage Details | This report provides an overview of goal coverage within single category across all courses using goals within this category. |
Goal Coverage Detail | This report provides details about the coverage of a single goal across all courses using the goal. |
Content List | This report provides a list of all content covering a single goal and can only be accessed through the Goal Coverage Detail report. |
Goals List | This report provides a list of all goals aligned to content within courses and can only be accessed through other goal coverage reports. |
Review Related Goals | This report shows a summary of goals which have been related to other goals in the system to provide an overview of the relationships that have been established between goals across the institution. |
Enterprise Survey Reports | |
Enterprise Survey Results | This report provides detailed analysis of the results of an enterprise survey. This data can be grouped by response period, respondent demographics or system information such as business units, courses, and terms. |
Survey Results by Course | This report groups the results of an enterprise survey by course allowing for deeper analysis. |
Survey Results by Tag | This report groups the results of an enterprise survey by the tags used to classify questions within the survey. |
Survey Comments | This report provides the comments entered with survey responses and can only be accessed through another enterprise survey report. |
Course Reports (available for Original Courses only) | |
Course Activity Overview | This report displays overall activity within a single course, sorted by student and date. Data includes the total and average time spent per active student and the total amount and type of activity each student had in the course. Optionally, you can filter the report by one or more groups. Only students who are members of the selected groups are included in report results. |
Session Activity Overview | This report provides session information for each system login within a specified timeframe. The report includes information on each user's time spent in the system and in their courses during a session, as well as users who did not access the system or certain courses at all. |
Student Overview for Single Course | This report provides an overview of a single student's activity within the course sorted by date. Data includes the total overall time spent in the course as well as detailed information about the student's activity within the course, such as which items in content areas the student accessed and spent time on. |
Overall Summary of User Activity | This report displays user activity for all areas of the course as well as activity dates, times and days of the week. |
All User Activity in Content Areas | This report provides a summary of all user activity within the content areas of the course. Guest users might appear in the All User Activity report even when no guest access is allowed for the course. Guest access by system administrators and other privileged users might occur, and therefore the guest row is always provided in the report. You might also see rows for users that have been unenrolled but still exist on the system. Those users are reported by name, not as a guest. |
User Activity in Forums | This report provides a summary of all user activity within discussion forums in the course. |
User Activity in Groups | This report provides a summary of all user activity within groups in the course. |
Course Performance | This report shows how students in the course are performing against a selected set of goals. Performance targets and a range of acceptable performance for the course can be determined when running the report. Data includes averages for the entire course as well as break downs for individual students and goals. |
Course Coverage Report | This report displays goals coverage information for a single course against a selected set of goals. This looks at goal coverage and gap analysis for all curricular areas that the course is associated with as well as a break down of course items that have been aligned to goals. |
Course User Participation | This report provides a download file of student academic contributions within a single Blackboard Learn course. It provides data required for the reporting of student academic contribution in compliance with Return of Title IV Funds (R2T4) rules established by the U.S. Department of Education. |
Outcomes Reporting
Outcomes Assessment reports
If your institution uses Outcomes Assessment, the following reports are also available.
The purpose of outcomes assessment is to collect the data necessary to conduct ongoing and systematic assessment and evaluation at an institutional level.
Reports are relevant to every outcomes assessment stakeholder, from the president and provost, to faculty members, accreditation committees, and deans and chairs. Each constituent is looking for ways to demonstrate the institution's impact on learning and the effectiveness of teaching. Gathering this information and making it available for general consumption in the appropriate way ensures they can do that.
Outcomes assessment includes additional reports that provide your institution with the visibility that you need to demonstrate progress across your institution and over time. The ability to report on student achievement and teaching effectiveness enables access to performance data across your institution and enables stakeholders to assess return on investment as participation and input can be collected and analyzed.
Outcomes assessment collects data for analysis and displays the results using reports. Reports are available that apply to academic users ranging from teachers to presidents and provosts. Reports provide the evidence of learning and the effectiveness of the education process. Outcomes assessment includes standard report definitions that you can run in the system.
More report definitions and scheduling and running reports
Evidence Assessment Reports | |
Evidence Evaluation Summary | This report provides a summary of the rubric evaluations completed against collected evidence and allows for deeper analysis to support institutional assessment and accreditation efforts. |
Download Evaluation Results | This report allows the results of rubric evaluations of collected evidence to be downloaded in an XLS format you can use in other third-party reporting tools for deeper analysis. |