Set tasks for your school reports!

You can schedule tasks to run at specific times, and receive the results to your personal email.

Add scheduled tasks

  1. From the Blackboard Communications HQ interface menu, select Settings > Organization Config.
  2. Select your Organization Name to access the settings.
  3. Select Task Schedules from the Settings area.
  4. Select Add to add a new task to the schedule.
  5. Complete the settings for the scheduled task:
    • School - Select the district or school for the scheduled task.
    • Name - Type the task Name.
    • Command - Type the task command to run in the Command line.
    • Type the Email addresses of where to send the results.
  6. Select Save.
  7. On the Task Schedule page, select the Schedule link to set the schedule for the task:
    • Schedule the Start Time for when the task should run.
    • Select which Days to run the task.
  8. Select Save when finished.

Review and update scheduled tasks

  1. From the Blackboard Communications HQ interface menu, select Settings > Organization Config.
  2. Select your Organization Name to access the settings.
  3. Select Task Schedules from the Settings area.
  4. Select a task, and select one of the options:
    • Run Now - Generates a selected report.
    • View Log - Generates the log of reports.
    • Unschedule - Allows you to stop a future report schedule for temporary purposed.
    • Remove - Allows you to delete the report schedule.
    • Show/Hide Child Organizations - Allows you to view the individual school report schedule.
    • All Logs - Allows you to generate a log of all reports.
    • Add - Allows you to add a new report to the schedule.