Community Engagement 10.37

Continuous delivery 10.37 | Release to production on 25 Jul 2022 and 1 Aug 2022

Here's what the 10.37 release includes:

  • New feature
  • Updated features
  • Bug fixes

New feature

Custom automated messages
  • We're introducing custom automated messages in Mass Notifications. Schedule messages with personalised content and communicate regular updates to students and parents just as you send lunch balance or attendance communications. Read more on custom automated messages.

Updated features

Push notification support
  • We’ve created a more reliable mechanism to deliver push notifications on Apple and Android devices. 
Social media
  • We're now allowing users to add their YouTube channels using Username or Channel ID to stream YouTube feeds in MCA.

Bug fixes

We have resolved the following bugs and issues in this release:

  • We fixed an issue where the URLs in SMS were modified when they were delivered. We edited the code so URLs included in SMS would remain intact upon delivery.
  • We included Reach to the list of Advanced option settings in Messages. We identified this and removed Reach from the Advanced option settings in Messages.
  • URLs added to the website alerts were unresponsive when visitors clicked them on the website. We've fixed this issue so these URLs are accessible.
  • The phone number of whoever submitted a tip to the school admins via SMS and calls were included in the tip report email when their identity should have been anonymous. We've fixed this issue by removing the phone number in the report to maintain anonymity.
  • We fixed an issue where the organisation names with an ampersand or apostrophe showed as code before saving.
  • We fixed an issue with the character count being inaccurate when copying email content to SMS.
  • We fixed an issue where users couldn't add content to App Resources.
  • When users edit a saved message with an audio attachment, we'd show a prompt to replace the audio attachment or continue with it.
  • We fixed an issue where apostrophes in account names showed up as code.
  • We fixed a broken image in the charts in the Message utilisation report.

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