The TDM v2 extension allows a Blackboard system admin to configure the basics of Course Catalog.
General Configuration
- Sign in to Blackboard.
- Select Admin in the navigation menu.
- Select Platform Extensions Manager in the Tools and Utilities section.
- Select Configuration on the TDM v2 tile to access the TDM v2 Settings.
- Select the Enable toggle to enable the extension.
- Choose the preferred currency from the menu.
- Choose the data source for Course Catalog from the menu based on which existing Blackboard source will be used for the integration when courses are created within Course Catalog.
- The From Email is the email address from which system notifications will be sent. To change it, please put in the desired address and validate it (click the Confirm button, then follow the instructions). Once the email is validated, create a ticket to have the change finalized.
- Select all desired Available Languages from the menu.
- Select the Default Language from the menu.
- Provide a Login URL if you want to override the Sign in link on the catalog and homepage with a custom URL.
- Provide a Logout URL if you want to override the Sign out link on the catalog and homepage with a custom URL.
- Provide a Title Tag if you want a custom title for Course Catalog to show up in the user's browser tab.
- Select the Institutional Hierarchy toggle to make the catalog node aware so that Institutional Hierarchy can be managed in Course Catalog.
- Select the Enable user profiles toggle to allow learners to access their profiles from the catalog navigation menu.
- Select the Enable progress toggle to allow the assignment of Progress at the offering level to show on the learner dashboard.
- Select Save.
Role Configuration
- Access the TDM v2 Settings.
- Select the Roles icon.
- Choose from each menu which roles you want to have access to each area of Course Catalog. These can be a combination of system and institution roles.
- TDM Admin—grants access to Settings
- Course Manager—grants access to create, update, and delete courses
- Program Manager—grants access to create, update, and delete programs
- Offering Manager—grants access to create, update, and delete offerings
- Instructor Manager—grants access to create, update, and delete instructor profiles
- Reporting Manager—grants access to the reporting tab
- Certificate Template Manager—grants access to certificate template management
- Certificate and Progress Assigner—grants access to certificate and progress assignment
- Instructor—identifies the roles that are defined as instructors
- Learner—identifies the roles that can enroll in offerings
- Select Save.
Branding Configuration
You can set up Course Catalog to display different branding to users based on institutional roles, nodes, or hostname.
- Access the TDM v2 Settings.
- Select the Branding icon.
- Type a Theme ID (this is not autogenerated).
- Write a short, descriptive Theme Name.
- Select the Enabled toggle to make your theme active.
- Select the Default toggle to make your theme the site's default theme.
- Input the six-character hexadecimal code (for example, #c56fd5) for the colors you want to use on your site.
- The primary color will appear in several places, including the left-hand navigation column and the tag and language labels for a course.
- The secondary color will appear in several places, including the buttons and some details on the peek panels.
- The text color will be used for the text on the left-hand navigation column.
- Select Banner Configuration to configure a banner for this theme.
- Select the Upload button and navigate to your file to upload a banner image.
- Select the Enable Banner Text toggle if you want to add text over the banner image.
- Select a Language, enter your text into the editor, and select the Create button. Repeat these steps for other languages.
- Choose the appropriate button for the horizontal and vertical text alignment you want for your text.
- Select Save.
- Select Logo Configuration to configure a logo for this theme.
- Select the Enable Logo toggle to enable the logo visibility.
- Select the Upload button and navigate to your file to upload a logo image.
- Choose the appropriate button for the horizontal and vertical text alignment you want for your logo.
- Select Save.
- If you want the branding to apply to a specific hostname, enter that name in the Hostname field.
- Choose one or more Institutional Roles. Users with those institutional roles will see the theme.
- Choose one or more Node IDs. Users who are assigned to that node will see the theme.
- Select Create.
- Select Save.
You can create as many themes as necessary.
Update a theme
- Select the ellipsis icon on the available theme row.
- Choose Edit.
- Make your desired changes.
- Select Update.
- Select Save.
Delete a theme
- Select the ellipsis icon on the available theme row.
- Choose Delete.
- Select Save.