This information applies only to the Ultra experience.
"Ultra" describes the transformation of the interface and workflows.
Check it out! The intuitive, fluid interactions in our modern design are simple and fun to use.
Use any device! With our responsive design, the interface adjusts to fit on any computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Don't miss any action in your courses. From the activity stream, you'll find an organized list of everything that's happened in all your courses. Select an item and jump in!
A new course look. You may have a mix of courses in the Ultra Course View and the Original Course View. Both course views appear seamlessly in your course list.
Do I have Ultra?
You have the Ultra experience if your name appears in the left panel of your window after you log in. You can navigate to core features outside of your courses from the list.
When you select any link from the list, you see a global view across all your courses. Access the global calendar that captures due dates in all your courses and the global grades page that shows all your grades organized by course.
This list remains in view as you move from page to page—even when you're in a course. As you open pages, they open as layers. Close the layers to return to a previous page or the list.
The Ultra experience will look the same at every institution, including yours.
Mine looks different
If you don't see the changes, you have Blackboard Learn with the Original experience. You navigate to other system areas from the tabs in the page header.
Your interface might have different colors, logos, tabs, tools, and names that are specific to your institution. For example, your institution can rename the My Institution tab to match your institution's name or remove a tab or tool entirely.