This information applies only to the Ultra experience.

"Ultra" describes the transformation of the user interface and workflows in Blackboard Learn.

Check it out! The intuitive, fluid interactions in our modern design are simple and fun to use.

Use any device! With our responsive design, the interface adjusts to fit on any computer, tablet, or smartphone.

Don't miss any action in your courses. From the activity stream, you'll find an organized list of everything that's happened in all your courses. Select an item and jump in!

Do I have Ultra?

You have the Ultra experience if your name appears in the left panel of your window after you log in. You can navigate to core features outside of your courses from the list.

When you select any link from the list, you see a global view across all your courses. Access the global calendar that captures due dates in all your courses and the grades page that shows all your grading tasks organized by course. No need to navigate to each course to see what's ready for grading.

This list remains in view as you move from page to page—even when you're in a course. As you open pages, they open as layers. Close the layers to return to a previous page or the list.

The Ultra experience will look similar at every institution. You may see some institutional branding, such as colors and logos.

Mine looks different

If you don't see the changes, you have Blackboard Learn with the Original experience. You access your courses and information from your institution with the links in tabs and modules.

Watch a video about Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience

The following narrated video provides a visual and auditory representation of some of the information included on this page. For a detailed description of what is portrayed in the video, open the video on YouTube, navigate to More actions, and select Open transcript.

Video: Introduction to Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience provides an overview of the Ultra experience in Blackboard Learn.