This information applies only to the Original Course View. Your institution controls which tools are available.

Share Grade Center data

You can share grade data and other information with teaching assistants, graders, students, observers, and other stakeholders. Their roles determine what access they have to the Grade Center and Grade Center data. For example, teaching assistants and graders have the same access to features and tools in the Grade Center as instructors.

Review institutional policy and guidelines before you release student information to anyone. Student privacy is protected. You must comply with international, national, and regional laws and regulations, such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) in the U.S.

Share the Grade Center with students

You control which Grade Center data is released to students and when. You can choose not to show columns to students. Columns that are available appear in My Grades and can appear individually in the report card module.

You can choose if Grade Center statistics are available to users. If statistics are available, they appear when the column is displayed.

When you add a new Grade Center column, you have these options:

  • Include this Column in Grade Center Calculations
  • Show this Column to Students
  • Show Statistics (average and median) for this column to Students in My Grades

When you view the Grade Center page, you can access a column's menu and select Edit Column Information. You can change the availability options. You can also access a column's menu and select Hide from Students (on/off).

Share the Grade Center with observers

Observers are typically assigned to follow specific users in Blackboard Learn without interacting with the system. If you allow, observers can view your course and track student progress. Also, you can send email alerts to observers from your course as needed.

After observers log in, they can access information about their associated students on the Observer Dashboard accessed on the My Institution tab in the Tools panel. If you allow, observers can view available Grade Center data for their associated students.

More on observer access

Save and reuse Grade Center settings and data

In this table, learn how you can save and reuse Grade Center settings and data within a course.

Save data options
Function How Grade Center Data and Settings Are Handled
Archive Archive creates a complete copy of a course in ZIP file format. All cumulative grade columns, student grades, and associated settings in the archived source course are included in the course package.
Restore Restore uses an archived course to create a new course. All calculated grade columns, student grades, and associated settings in the selected archived course are restored to the destination course. The default final total points and final weighted grade columns in the new course are overridden with the cumulative grade columns in the archived course package.
Copy Course Materials into a New Course Select material from an existing course that you want to copy into a new course. Grade Center settings from the original course are copied into the new course. When you select the Grade Center as part of the copy, all calculated grade columns and associated settings in the source course are copied to the destination course. The default final total points and final weighted grade columns in the new course are overridden with the cumulative grade columns in the source course.
Copy Course Materials into an Existing Course Select material from an existing course to copy into another existing course. Grade Center columns from the copied course are added to any existing columns in the destination course. When you select the Grade Center as part of the copy, all calculated grade columns and associated settings in the source course are copied into the destination course. The source and destination courses are merged and nothing in the destination is overridden. The destination course contains all calculated grade columns from both courses. The result may be a duplication of the final total points and final weighted grade columns.
Copy Course with Users (Exact Copy) Makes an exact duplicate of an existing course that includes all users and their data. All calculated grade columns, student grades, and associated settings in the source course are copied to the destination course. The default final total points and final weighted grade columns in the new course are overridden with the calculated grade columns in the source course.
Export With an export, you can select all or parts of an existing course to add to an exported ZIP file. An export does not include student data. When you select the Grade Center as part of an export, all calculated grade columns and associated settings in the source course are included in the course package.
Import Package Use Import Package to upload selected course materials from an exported ZIP file into a course. Either the entire ZIP file or selected parts are uploaded. When you select the Grade Center as part of an import operation, all calculated grade columns and associated settings in the exported course package are imported to the destination course. The course package and destination courses are merged and nothing in the destination is overridden. The destination course contains all calculated grade columns from both courses. The result may be a duplication of the final total points and final weighted grade columns, which is allowed.