Easily record, upload, share and watch Mediasite video presentations and collections in any Blackboard course.

More about Mediasite on their website

Add Mediasite content to your course

Course tool

If your institution has added Mediasite as a course tool, you can access it in the Tools menu where you build content.

  1. In a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder, select Tools.
  2. Select Mediasite Content.
  3. Select Presentation to link a single video presentation or Collection to link to a collection of videos.
  4. Find the presentation or collection you want to add.
  5. Select Embed.
  6. Select the link option. If adding a presentation, select Presentation Link. If adding a collection, select Link.

In the editor

You can also add Mediasite content directly to the editor in your course's assignments, tests, and documents.

  1. In the editor, select Mashups.
  2. Select Mediasite.
  3. Select Presentation to link a single video presentation or Collection to link to a collection of videos.
  4. Find the presentation or collection you want to add.
  5. Select Embed.
  6. Select the link option. If adding a presentation, select Presentation Link. If adding a collection, select Link.
Product Experience