Start a workflow

You can deploy workflows manually or automatically. You can manually start a workflow in these ways:

  • Create an instant workflow—a new workflow model and instance from scratch.
  • Start a new workflow from a shared workflow model.
  • Select a Content Collection item and start or create a workflow model around it.

Create an instant workflow

Users can create an Instant Workflow, which leads the user through a seamless process of creating a new workflow and executing it.

  1. In the Content Collection, select Collaboration. Select the arrow to go to the Collaboration landing page.
  2. Select Get Started.
  3. Select Create Instant Workflow or Copy Existing Workflow Model. If you're copying a model, select Browse to choose the model you'd like to copy.
  4. Name the new workflow and type optional instructions. These are instructions for other users. For example, if this is a shared workflow, this section may be used to explain how others should use this workflow.
  5. Define the Activity Status terms to be used in this workflow: In Progress, Approved, and Not Approved.
  6. Select Browse to link content items to this workflow.
  7. Select Submit when finished.

Use a shared workflow model

Users can start a workflow based on a shared workflow model.

  1. In the Content Collection, select Collaboration. Select the arrow to go to the Collaboration landing page.
  2. Select Get Started.
  3. Select Copy Existing Workflow Model.
  4. Select Browse to choose the model you'd like to copy.
  5. Select Submit.
  6. If you'd like, type additional comments regarding the workflow in the Comments field.
  7. Select Browse Content Collection to add an item to this workflow.
  8. Expand each milestone listing to assign deadlines and content items.
    • Assign a deadline for the milestone by selecting Specify Date and using the date and time fields.
    • Select Browse Content Collection to add an item to this action.
  9. To receive an email when the workflow has finished, select Send email when complete.
  10. Choose when to start this workflow using one of the following options:
    • Select the Start Manually option to begin this workflow at your discretion.
    • Select the Start Now option to begin this workflow as soon as possible.
    • Select the Specify Start Date option and use the date and time fields to choose a date and time to begin this workflow.
  11. Select Submit when finished.

Create an item-based workflow

Users can create a new workflow using a Content Collection item as a starting point. This method ensures that a particular item is in included in the workflow.

  1. From any Content Collection folder, select an item and select Start Workflow.
  2. Choose Create an Instant Workflow or Copy Existing Workflow Model.
  3. If you create an instant workflow, name the workflow and type a description.
  4. Edit the action labels as desired.
  5. If you'd like, attach additional Content Collection items and assign permissions.
  6. Select Submit when finished.

Edit an active workflow

Users can edit any workflow that they own and that is in progress. You can only edit a workflow if you stop it, or if the milestones and actions have not yet been started.

The system must stop the workflow before it can be edited; a message appears with this warning. Select OK to stop the workflow.

More on editing a workflow