This schema contains normalized scores for content item and question submissions.


ODS_COURSE_CONTENT_SCORE contains a records for each attempt for a graded content item or a question.

Fact table
actual_scoreThe actual score given to the submission.
possible_scoreThe maximum score that is allowed for the content item of the question.
normalized_scoreNormalized score for the submission in percentage.
user_pk1The pk of the user that made the submission.
crsmain_pk1The pk of the course.
course_contents_pk1The pk of the alignable course content.
course_users_pk1Not used. It's present to facilitate delta processing.
canvas_element_pk1Not used. It's present to facilitate delta processing.


ODS_LS_USER contains one record for each learn user.

Fact table
pk1Unique Identifier.
firstnameThe user's first name
middlenameThe user's middle name.
lastnameThe user's last name.
user_idThe user's ID, added to show on reports.
available_indIndicates if the user is currently available.
batch_uidThe user's batch_uid.


ODS_LS_COURSE_USER contains one record for each user's course enrollment.

Fact table
course_pk1Unique Identifier for course.
user_pk1Unique Identifier for user.
roleIdentifies the role this user has in the course (if organization role names differ they are listed in parenthesis). B=Course Builder (Organization Builder), G=Grader, P=Instructor (Leader), S=Student (Participant), T=Teaching Assistant (Assistant), U=Guest.
act_as_instructorIndicates if this user has a role in the course which lets them act as an instructor.