Session creators can set a number of options that will control how recordings are initiated, what information they will contain, by whom they can be accessed and how recording links are distributed.

Schedule a Meeting Utility

Below are the recording options available when you create a session using the Schedule a Meeting utility on the My Schedule page.

  • Enable Recording - If this option is enabled, the session Moderator can control whether or not a session is recorded. If the option is disabled, the session cannot be recorded. (Default is enabled.)
  • Email Recording Link - If this option is enabled, session attendees who were invited to the session through the SAS will receive a link to the recording via email. If the option is disabled, no email is sent and session attendees will need to get the recording link from their My Recordings page or from the Moderator. (Default is enabled.)
  • Enable Recording Viewer Details - If this option is enabled, the SAS will track information (name and/or email address) about who viewed the recording. If the option is disabled, no user data is tracked. (Default is disabled.)

Meeting, Course, or Drop-In Utility

Additional recording options are available when you create a session using the Meeting, Drop-In, or Course utility on the Utilities page.

Because Meetings are the most commonly used session types, we will discuss only Meeting recordings here.

  • Hide Names in Recordings - This option is provided to protect the identity of session attendees. When it is enabled, in recordings the names of session attendees in the Participants list and Chat panel will be replaced by the generic "Participant" or "Moderator". (Default is disabled.)

  • Mode - Like Enable Recording in the Schedule a Meeting utility, this option controls how the session is recorded. The following choices are available. (Default is Manual).
    • Manual - If selected, the session Moderator can control whether or not a session is recorded.
    • Automatic - If selected, recording will begin when the first person enters the session.
    • Disabled - If selected, the session can not be recorded.
  • Access -This option controls who can list this session's recordings on their My Recordings pages and who can play the recordings. The following choices are available. (Default is Restricted).
  • Private - If selected, only the session creator (or their Manager or Administrator) will be able to list this session's recordings on the My Recordings page. (If the recording link is obtained by other means, only the session creator will be able to play the recording.)
  • Restricted - If selected, only session attendees who were invited to the session through the SAS will be able to list this session's recordings on their My Recordings pages. (If the recording link is obtained by other means, such as one distributed in an email, anyone can play the recording.)
  • Public - If selected, anyone with an SAS account will be able to list this session's recordings on their My Recordings pages. (If the recording link is obtained by other means, anyone, including those without an SAS account, can play the recording.)
  • Video Quality - This option controls the amount of bandwidth used by Video in recordings. The higher the quality, the larger the recording will be. The following choices are available, in the order of highest quality to lowest quality. (Default is Fine Color).
    • Fine Color
    • Fine Gray
    • Medium Color
    • Medium Gray
    • Course Color
    • Course Gray
  • Email the Recording Link - (same as Email Recording Link in the Schedule a Meeting utility) If this option is enabled, session attendees who were invited to the session through the SAS will receive a link to the recording via email. If the option is disabled, no email is sent and session attendees will need to get the recording link from their My Recordings page or from the Moderator. (Default is enabled.)
  • Enable Recording Viewer Details - (same as Enable Recording Viewer Details in the Schedule a Meeting utility) If this option is enabled, the SAS will track information (name and/or email address) about who viewed the recording. If the option is disabled, no user data is tracked. (Default is disabled.)
  • Email - This option controls which template will be used for sending out recording notification emails. The following choices are available. (Default is HTML Meeting Recording).
    • HTML Meeting Recording - If selected, the HTML version of the notification email will be used.
    • Text Meeting Recording - If selected, the Text version of the notification email will be used.