Blackboard Collaborate makes use of the Institutional Hierarchy feature of Blackboard Learn 9.1, SP 11 or later.

Institutional Hierarchy can be used by administrators of large, multi-college networks to allow each institution to designate its administrators, access permissions, and Blackboard Collaborate default settings.

Once you have created your institutions (as described on, use the chevron in the upper left of the credentials page to select the level of the hierarchy you wish to configure.

Click Viewing Credentials to see the access credentials of a specific node.

Nodes with a green check have access to the Blackboard Collaborate Building Block and nodes with a red X do not.

Refer to the caption under the box to know which node's credentials you are currently viewing.

If you wish to give a node its own log in credentials in order to configure it differently from its parent institution, select Override Parent Credentials and enter the server information just as you did for the top-level server.