Improvements to permissions – 3900.37

Blackboard Learn SaaS
Ultra Experience
Ultra Course View
Impact: System and Course Roles with corresponding permissions

There are several areas where permission checks do not work as expected. This results in “You’re not on the list” errors. We are making improvements over several upcoming releases that address permission issues. These improvements will also remove the need for a quick enroll option. In this release, we have corrected the following issues:

Change course availability permissions for non-instructors

Non-instructor users with permissions to change course availability states may have experienced problems:

  • opening a course,
  • setting a course to complete, or
  • setting a course to private.

We have corrected this.

Student preview access for support roles

Some privileged support roles could not access the student preview mode. The permission is “Course/Organization > Student Preview > Access Preview Account.” We have corrected this.

Fixes to role permissions for accommodations

There are four permissions for course and system roles that relate to accommodations. These were not working as expected. We have corrected this. When granting an “edit” permission, administrators should select the associated “view” permission. This ensures the user can access the settings as expected.

  • Course Outline > Course Roster > Accommodations > Edit User's Due Date accommodation
  • Course Outline > Course Roster > Accommodations > Edit User's Time Limit accommodation
  • Course Outline > Course Roster > Accommodations > View User's Due Date accommodation
  • Course Outline > Course Roster > Accommodations > View User's Time Limit accommodation

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