Attendance reporting is off by default. You must turn attendance reporting on for each session you want to track attendance in.

Attendance reporting is only available in sessions with an end date and time. You can't track attendance in your course room.

  1. Create or edit a session and select the Share attendance information with LMS check box to turn attendance reporting on.
  2. Optionally, change the late, absent, and time is session thresholds.
    • Late after: Attendees who join the session after the number of minutes entered are marked late. By default, attendees are late if they join 6-20 minutes after the scheduled start time.
    • Absent after: Attendees who join the session after the number of minutes entered are marked late. By default, attendees are absent if they join the session 21 or more minutes after the scheduled start time.
    • Required time in session: Attendees must be in the session for the percentage of time selected, or longer, to be marked present. By default, attendees must be in the session for at least half of the session scheduled time to be marked present.
  3. Select Save.

Based on the criteria you set, Collaborate tracks if a student is present, late, or absent from a session. Collaborate then sends that information directly to the Attendance page in your Blackboard Learn course.

Attendance from the Collaborate session is counted in each student's average attendance in the course, which can also be used in calculating student grades.

More on attendance in your Blackboard Learn course

Example of Collaborate session attendance in the attendance page