Before you add any content to the Content Collection, you should plan how to manage your content. Organize content in a way that best meets your needs.

The Content Collection is organized in a tree structure of nested folders up to and including the content area level. Each folder can store files and subfolders. It is important to remember that all folders are contained within other folders up to the root (/) folder. Content areas, such as Users, Courses, Institution, and Library, are simply folders stored under the root folder.

A folder is automatically available to the user who created it. If you want to share a folder you create, grant other users permission to view the folder and its contents.

Folders and files must have unique names if stored in the same location.

About the user folder

The first time a user enters the Content Collection, the system creates a folder for them. Your user folder uses the same name as their username, and you can organize this area however you'd like.

Your institution determines whether username folders are granted for all users or only users with certain roles.

Store content in a user folder

It's recommended that you organize your user folder so that personal files and shared files are easy to access and manage. The user folder is a good area to store private files and documents that are in development. You can choose to use your user folder as a working space for group collaboration. The following are some examples of folders which may be helpful to create:

  • Private Folder: A working area where you store projects in progress. This folder is not shared with any users.
  • Group folders: Group collaboration folders, shared with other group members, where projects may be worked on together.

Granting permissions

Users should only grant read permission on the top-level username folder. Granting additional permissions to this folder makes it difficult to manage and organize the contents. If other users are granted read permission to the top-level folder, don't forget to remove permissions for any sub-folders or items that should remain private.

More on permissions

Private vs. public content space

Creating separate folders for personal content (private space) and folders that are available to other users (public space) is very helpful. This method allows you to have certain folders available only to you, where you can store personal content. For example, one personal folder may contain papers and projects that are in progress, while another contains professional content that is not ready to be shared, such as resumes and cover letters for jobs. Additional permissions for these personal folders are not granted to anyone else, unless you edit permissions.

When you are ready to share a document, you can copy or move it to a public folder. If you're working on a course document, you may choose to create the draft in a personal folder, and then move it to a shared folder when it is complete. This allows for quick access and collaboration for course members.

Create a private or public folder

You create all folders the same way in the Content Collection, using the Create Folder option. The permissions granted on the folder determine whether or not it is private or public.

For example, you can create a subfolder in a group folder and not grant other users permissions to see it. This is a private folder because it is only accessible to one person. If you create another folder to share with the group, simply adjust the permissions to allow others to see or change the items within it. This is a public folder because more than one person has access.

Remember that any user with manage permissions may share the item with a wider audience. Also keep in mind that folder permissions automatically apply to all items within a folder. You may want to verify that users do not have unauthorized access to certain folders if you make changes to top-level folder permissions.

Delete or recycle content

Reclaim storage space in the Content Collection by removing items. You can clean up your folders by deleting or recycling items that are no longer needed. Deletion is permanent, but recycled items can be restored if you need them.

To delete a file or folder from the Content Collection, select Delete from the item's menu. Select Recycle to recycle the item.

Your institution determines whether the Recycle Bin is available. If it isn't available, you'll only see Delete as an option in the item's menu.

Depending on your institution's settings, the Recycle Bin can appear in each User, Course, Organization, and Institution folder in the Content Collection. To restore an item that you previously recycled, go to the Recycle Bin, select the item, and select Restore. The item is restored to its previous location.