The modules are listed with check boxes in the Displayed and Required columns. Displayed modules are available for users to show or hide, while required modules always appear to users.
Manage default content
- On the Administrator Panel in the Communities section, select Tabs and Modules.
- Select Tabs.
- In the tab's menu, select Default Content. The following table describes the available tasks.
Default Content Available Fields To Select Assign a module to appear on the tab The check box in the Displayed column for modules that should appear on the tab. A check mark in the box indicates that the module appears on the tab. Select the check box again to remove a module from the tab. Require a module to appear on the tab The check box in the Required column for modules that should appear on the tab. A check mark in the box indicates that the module always appears on the tab. Select the check box again to set modules to optional. Organize module placement and style on the tab Default Layout in the instructions at the top of the page. The Default Layout page appears. - Select Submit.