This diagram details the shared rows in the reporting database tables. The relationship between the tables is used to define and return customized data reports. For example, the INTERNAL_HANDLE can be used to link the ACTIVITY_ACCUMULATOR table, the NAVIGATION_ITEM table, and the APPLICATION table. A report could be constructed around this relationship to show which items and tools users are accessing in a particular Course.

Attribute definitions

The tables below detail the attributes in each database table. Each of the tables below includes the following columns:

  • Attribute: The name of the attribute as it appears in the database.
  • Data Type: The format of the information stored in the attribute (date, varchar, etc.)
  • Null: Indicated whether or not null values are allowed. Y indicates that null values are allowed for the attribute, N indicates that null values are not allowed for the attribute.
  • Description: Explains the information stored in the attribute and its importance.


Activity Accumulator Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
EVENT_TYPE VARCHAR (30) N Groups the event based on what occurred. Please see the Event Type table below for specific information about the possible values for this field.
USER_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the USERS table.
COURSE_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the COURSE table.
GROUP_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the GROUP table.
FORUM_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the FORUM table.
INTERNAL_HANDLE VARCHAR (255) Y Internal system identifier for the event. This field corresponds to the unique ID in the NAVIGATION_ITEM table. Not all page requests correspond to a navigation item, so this field may often appear blank. When reading the INTERNAL_HANDLE, the prefix helps identify the path the user took to access the page.
    • CP_ indicates that the user went through the Course Control Panel to view the page.
    • PA_ is associated with portal administrator functions
    • ADMIN_ refers to accesses through the Administrator Control Panel
    • LIST_ indicates that the page was requested after a search function
    • CUST_ refers to a Customization interface, such as the Customize Login Page

If this field is empty, check the CONTENT_PK1 field. If the page accessed displayed content, the primary key for the piece of content will appear in that field.

CONTENT_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the COURSE_CONTENTS table. This field is populated when the EVENT_TYPE is CONTENT_ACCESS.
DATA NVARCHAR (255) Y Data related to the event. This field provides additional information about the event. Each event uses this field, if at all, in different ways. In many instances, the data included in this field is a value that is easily deduced.

In some instances, the value in the data field is a number, such as _1_1 or _29_1. These are associated with an EVENT_TYPE of TAB_ACCESS or MODULE_ACCESS. The first number is an ID that references a tab or a module (the second number can be ignored).

The ID number that refers to a tab can be found in the user interface by scrolling over the tab. The ID number appears as part of the URL in the status bar.

The ID number that refers to a module can be found in the same manner. Scroll over the Maximize, Minimize, or Edit button associated with a module. The ID number will appear as part of the URL in the status bar. Please note that the Detach Module button returns a different ID number and should be ignored.

TIMESTAMP DATETIME (8) Y Date and time that the event occurred.
STATUS NUMERIC (9) Y Shows success (1) and failure (0).
SESSION_ID INT (4) Y Identifies the user session that initiated the action. A session is simply a browser connection to the system launched from an end-user machine.

Event types

The following table lists the possible event types stored in the ACTIVITY_ACCUMULATOR table. The Page View column shows whether or not the activity counts as a page view when generating statistics.

Event Types Attributes
Type Description Page View?
TAB_ACCESS A browser request that causes a portal tab to change state. The name of the tab will be returned. Yes
MODULE_ACCESS Triggered when a portal module is rendered. The name of the module will be returned. No
LOGIN_ATTEMPT An attempt to authenticate to the system. Additional information about the success is stored. No
LOGOUT A user's session is voluntarily ended by accessing the logout link. No
SESSION_TIMEOUT A user's session is involuntarily ended because no action was taken in a specific window. No
COURSE_ACCESS Triggered when a Course frame set is loaded, or when a page is accessed in a Course. The name of the navigation item will be returned. Yes
CONTENT_ACCESS Triggered when content is displayed. No
PAGE_ACCESS Triggered when a page, other than a Course, Organization, content, module, or tab is accessed on the system. The name of the navigation item will be returned. Yes
SESSION_INIT Triggered when a session is initialized. No


Course Roles Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
COURSE_ROLE CHAR (1) N One character system identifier for a Course Role.

B=Course Builder or Organization Builder


P=Instructor or Organization Leader

S=Student or Organization Member

T=Teaching Assistant


NAME NVARCHAR (50) Y Customized name of a Course Role.
DEFAULT_NAME VARCHAR (50) Y Default name of a Course Role.
ORG_NAME NVARCHAR (50) Y Customized name of an Organization Role.
ORG_DEFAULT_NAME VARCHAR (50) Y Default name of an Organization Role.


Course Users Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
CRSMAIN_PK1 INT (4) N References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the COURSE_MAIN table.
DATA_SRC_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the DATA_SOURCE table.
ROLE CHAR (1) Y One character identifier of the users Course Role.

B=Course Builder or Organization Builder


P=Instructor or Organization Leader

S=Student or Organization Member

T=Teaching Assistant


LINK_NAME_1 NVARCHAR (100) Y Name of a link to a Web site listed on the Users Student Homepage within the Course.
LINK_URL_1 VARCHAR (100) Y Address of a link on the Users Student Homepage.
LINK_DESC_1 NVARCHAR (255) Y Description of a link on the Users Student Homepage.
LINK_NAME_2 VARCHAR (100) Y Name of a link to a Web site listed on the Users Student Homepage within the Course.
LINK_URL_2 VARCHAR (100) Y Address of a link on the Users Student Homepage.
LINK_DESC_2 NVARCHAR (255) Y Description of a link on the users Student Homepage.
LINK_NAME_3 NVARCHAR (100) Y Name of a link to a Web site listed on the Users Student Homepage within the Course.
LINK_URL_3 VARCHAR (100) Y Address of a link on the Users Student Homepage.
LINK_DESC_3 NVARCHAR (255) Y Description of a link on the Users Student Homepage.
USERS_PK1 INT (4) N References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the USERS table.
PHOTO_LINK VARCHAR (100) Y Link to a image that will display on the Users Student Homepage.
INTRO NTEXT (16) Y Message that will display on the Users Student Homepage.
NOTE NTEXT (16) Y Text box in the user interface filled out by the user.
PINFO NTEXT (16) Y Message that will display on the Users Student Homepage, typically used to display personal information.
AVAILABLE_IND CHAR (1) Y or N N Determines whether or not the user can access the Course.
SOS_ID_PK2 INT (4) N Not in use.
ROW_STATUS NUMERIC (5) Y Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.

ENROLLMENT_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Date the User enrolled in the Course.
CRSMAIN_SOS_ID_PK2 INT (4) Y Not in use.
USERS_SOS_ID_PK2 INT (4) Y Not in use.
DTMODIFIED DATETIME (8) Y The last date the record was edited.


System Roles Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
SYSTEM_ROLE CHAR (1) N One character identifier for each System Role.

Z=System Administrator

A=User Administrator

C=Course Administrator

H=System Support





NAME NVARCHAR (64) Y The customized name of a System Role.
DEFAULT_NAME VARCHAR (64) Y The name of a System Role as it appeared before modification.


Institution Roles Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
ROLE_NAME NVARCHAR (50) N Name of an Institution Role as it appears to users.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR (255) Y Description of the role.
ROLE_ID NVARCHAR (50) N The unique identifier of the role. This is the key that is used to identify the role during Snapshot and other data management operations.
DATA_SRC_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the DATA_SOURCE table.
GUEST_IND CHAR (1) N This indicates whether or not the role serves as a Guest role for a particular brand.
REMOVABLE_IND CHAR (1) N This indicates whether or not the role may be removed from the system. Some Institution Roles are not removable to ensure backward compatibility.
SELF_SELECTABLE_IND CHAR (1) N This field is not currently used to store data.
ROW_STATUS INT (4) N Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.


User Roles Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
USERS_PK1 INT (4) N The primary key that identifies a user in the USERS table.
INSTITUTION_ROLES_PK1 INT (4) N The primary key that identifies an Institution Role in the INSTITUTION_ROLES table.
ROW_STATUS NUMERIC (5) Y Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.

DATA_SRC_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the DATA_SOURCE table.
DTMODIFIED DATETIME (8) Y The date the relationship between the user and the Institution Role was last edited.


Applications are the tools and features that appear in Blackboard Learn.

Application Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
APPLICATION VARCHAR (64) N Internal system identifier.
LARGE_ICON VARCHAR (255) Y Location of the image to display with the application if large icons are used.
PLUGINS_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the PLUGINS table.
ENABLED_MASK INT (4) Y Determines whether or not the tool is enabled.

Y or N

N Displays whether or not SSL is enabled for the application.

Y or N

N Displays whether or not the application can be renamed.
LABEL NVARCHAR (255) Y Name of the application as it appears in the user interface.
SMALL_ICON VARCHAR (255) Y Location of the image to display with the application if small icons are used.
TYPE VARCHAR (20) Y Defines the application as a Course application, System (Portal) application, or Shared application.
DESCRIPTION NTEXT (16) Y A description of the application.
ALLOW_GUEST_MASK INT (4) Y Determines whether or not Guests can access.
ALLOW_OBSERVER_MASK INT (4) Y Determines whether or not Observers can access the application.
NAME NVARCHAR (64) Y This field displays the name of the function or tool.

Y or N

Y Determines whether or not the name of the application can be changed by an Instructor or Administrator.

Y or N

Y Determines whether or not the Instructor can control Guest access to the feature or tool.

Y or N

Y Determines whether or not the Instructor can control Observer access to the feature or tool.

Y or N

Y Signifies if the tool is configured through an outside Web site. This only applies to Building Blocks tools.
CONFIGURE_URL VARCHAR (1000) Y The URL used to configure the tool.


Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
APPLICATION NVARCHAR (64) Y Application accessed through the navigation item
INTERNAL_HANDLE VARCHAR (255) N Unique identifier.
ENTITLEMENT_UID VARCHAR (255) Y Defines the entitlement required to access the item.
FAMILY VARCHAR (255) Y Top level for groupings of navigation items.
HREF VARCHAR (2550 Y Address of the application in the file system.
ENABLED_MASK INT (4) Y Determines if the item is enabled in a Course, the system, or an Organization.
COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR (20) Y Groups items under the Sub-Group heading.
NAVIGATION_TYPE VARCHAR (20) Y Course or System Determines whether the navigation item is available in Courses or through the portal.
SRC VARCHAR (255) Y Image or icon connected to the navigation item.
LABEL VARCHAR (255) Y Name of the navigation item as it appears within the system.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR (3900) Y Description of the navigation item as it appears in the system.
SUB_GROUP VARCHAR (255) Y Groups navigation items under the Family heading.
POSITION INT (4) Y Order that the navigation item appears in the system in relation to other items in the same grouping.

Y or N

Y Determines whether or not to launch the application in a separate browser window.
REDIRECT_URL VARCHAR (255) Y Some navigation items, such as the Lost Password page, may be redirected. If allowed, the redirected URL appears in this field.
USER_LABEL NVARCHAR (255) Y Customized label.
VISIBLE_IND CHAR (1) Y Determines whether or not the item is visible to users.


USERS Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
CITY NVARCHAR (50) Y City of the users address.
DATA_SRC_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the DATA_SOURCE table.

One character identifier of the Administrator Role assigned to the User.

Z=System Administrator

A=User Administrator

C=Course Administrator

H=System Support





SOS_ID_PK2 INT (4) N Not in use.
DTCREATED DATETIME (8) N Date the user was created in the system.
DTMODIFIED DATETIME (8) Y Last date that the user record was edited in the system.
ROW_STATUS NUMERIC (5) N Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.

BATCH_UID NVARCHAR (64) Y Unique identifier within the database.
USER_ID NVARCHAR (50) N Username.
PASSWD VARCHAR (32) N The user's password.
FIRSTNAME NVARCHAR (100) N The first name of the user.
MIDDLENAME NVARCHAR (100) Y The middle name of the user.
LASTNAME NVARCHAR (100) N The last name of the user.

F or M

Y The gender of the user.
EDUC_LEVEL NUMERIC (5) Y Highest level of education achieved by the user.
BIRTHDATE DATETIME (8) Y The user's date of birth.
TITLE NVARCHAR (100) Y A title in the user's name (for example, Mr. or Dr.).
STUDENT_ID NVARCHAR (100) Y Users Student ID as assigned by the Institution. Uniqueness is not enforced on this field, it is used to store information only.
EMAIL VARCHAR (100) Y The Users email address.
JOB_TITLE NVARCHAR (100) Y The users job title.
DEPARTMENT NVARCHAR (100) Y Department, section, or area where the user works.
COMPANY NVARCHAR (100) Y Company for which the user works.
STREET_1 NVARCHAR (100) Y Street in the users address.
INSTITUTION_ROLES_PK1 INT (4) N References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the INSTITUTION_ROLES table.
STREET_2 NVARCHAR (100) Y Another line for Street in the users address.
STATE NVARCHAR (50) Y State in the users address.
ZIP_CODE NVARCHAR (50) Y ZIP code in the Users address.
COUNTRY NVARCHAR (50) Y Country in the Users address.
B_PHONE_1 NVARCHAR (50) Y The user's business phone number.
B_PHONE_2 NVARCHAR (50) Y A second line for another business phone number.
H_PHONE_1 NVARCHAR (50) Y The Users home phone number.
H_PHONE_2 NVARCHAR (50) Y A second line for another home phone number.
M_PHONE NVARCHAR (50) Y The user's mobile phone number.
B_FAX NVARCHAR (50) Y The users business fax number.
H_FAX NVARCHAR (50) Y The users home fax number.
WEBPAGE VARCHAR (100) Y The URL for the Users Web page.
SETTINGS NTEXT (16) Y Text box with info about the user.
COMMERCE_ROLE INT (4) Y This field relates to a value. It is only relevant in the context of
CDROMDRIVE_PC CHAR (1) Y One character identifying the drive of the CD-ROM drive on the user's personal computer.
CDROMDRIVE_MAC NVARCHAR (20) Y Name of the CD-ROM drive on the user's computer, if using an Apple® Macintosh®.

Y or N

N Determines whether or not the user's personal information is displayed in the User Directory.

Y or N

N Determines if the user's home address will be displayed in the User Directory.

Y or N

N Determines if home phone, fax, or cell phone numbers will be displayed in the User Directory.

Y or N

N Determines if work contact information (company, department, title, phone, and fax) will be displayed in the User Directory.

Y or N

N Determines if the users email address will be displayed in the User Directory.

Y or N

N User account availability within the system.
LAST_LOGIN_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Last date that the user logged into the system.
IM_TYPE NVARCHAR (64) Y This field is not used to store data.
IM_ACCOUNT NVARCHAR (64) Y This field is not used to store data.
CARD_NUMBER VARCHAR (100) Y The card number associated with the user's Blackboard Transact Campus Card.


COURSE_MAIN Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (1) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
BUTTONSTYLES_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the BUTTONSTYLES table.
CLASSIFICATIONS_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the CLASSIFICATIONS table.
DATA_SRC_PK1 INT (4) Y References the PK1 (Primary Key) attribute of the DATA_SOURCE table.
SOS_ID_PK2 INT (4) Y Not in use.
DTCREATED DATETIME (8) N Date the Course was created in the system.
DTMODIFIED DATETIME (8) Y Last date that the Course was edited in the system.
COURSE_NAME NVARCHAR (255) N Complete title of the Course.
COURSE_ID VARCHAR (50) N Short name used by the Institution to uniquely identify the Course (for example, math101 _F99).
COURSE_DESC NTEXT(16) Y Complete description of the Course.
ROW_STATUS NUMERIC (5) Y Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.

BATCH_UID NVARCHAR (64) Y Unique identifier.

E,I, or S

Y Establishes the enrollment policy for the Course. The options are email request for enrollment, self-enroll for Students to enroll themselves, and Instructor-enroll to allow Instructors to completely control enrollment.
DURATION CHAR (1) Y Schedules enrollment window. Options are:

Continuous: The Course is always accessible.

Range: The Course is accessible in the days between one date and another. Either the beginning date or the end date can be left open-ended to make a Course accessible from a certain date or until a certain date.

Fixed: The Course is accessible for a set number of days.


S, or I

Y Indicates if the Course is Instructor-led or self-paced according to the Student.
SERVICE_LEVEL CHAR (1) Y Determines Course or Organization.
ABS_LIMIT NUMERIC (9) Y Handles the disk quota absolute limit on content. The content in the Course may not exceed this limit. Expressed in bytes.
SOFT_LIMIT NUMERIC (9) Y Handles the disk quota soft limit on content. Instructors receive a warning email when this limit is exceeded. Expressed in bytes.
UPLOAD_LIMIT NUMERIC (9) Y Handles the disk quota limit on uploads. Expressed in bytes.
START_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Date on which access to the Course section begins.
END_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Date on which access to the Course ends.
ENROLL_START_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Date that enrollment may begin.
ENROLL_END_DATE DATETIME (8) Y Date that enrollment is no longer available to Students.
DAYS_OF_USE NUMERIC (5) Y Number of days that Students may access the Course after enrollment. Useful for self-paced learning.
FEE NUMERIC (9) Y Fee for the Course.
ENROLL_ACCESS_CODE NVARCHAR (50) Y Password needed to enroll in the Course.
BANNER_URL VARCHAR (100) Y Link to an image that will display at the top of the Course.
INSTITUTION_NAME NVARCHAR (255) Y The name of the Institution.
REG_LEVEL_IND CHAR (1) Y or N N This field is used for the service. It has not relevance outside of the site.
NAVIGATION_STYLE VARCHAR (20) Y Determines whether the Course Menu uses buttons or text links.
TEXTCOLOR VARCHAR (20) Y Color used for text in the Course Menu.
BACKGROUND_COLOR VARCHAR (20) Y Color used for the background of the Course Menu.
COLLAPSIBLE_IND CHAR (1) N Determines whether the Course Menu can be consolidated to show just the top headings or expanded to show subheads.
ALLOW_GUEST_IND CHAR (1) Y or N N Allows guest access to the Course.

Y or N

N Indicates if access to the Course or Organization has been restricted. If set to Y access to the Course or Organization will be restricted based on the END_DATEand START_DATE.

Y or N

N Determines whether or not to display description information in the Course or Organization catalog.

Y or N

N Establishes Course or Organization availability.

Y or N

N Determines whether or not Observers are allowed in the Course.
LOWER_COURSE_ID VARCHAR (50) Y Lowercase version of Course ID used by the system for searches (guarantee a find).


DATA_SOURCE Attributes
Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
DTMODIFIED DATETIME (8) Y The date the data source was last edited.
ROW_STATUS NUMERIC (5) N Sets the value of the record to one of the following:

Enabled: Normal access to the record.

Disabled: Record is visible in some areas of the UI, but may not be changed or accessed.

Deleted: Record is scheduled to be deleted.

BATCH_UID NVARCHAR (64) Y Unique identifier.
DESCRIPTION NVARCHAR (128) Y Description of the data source.


Attribute Data Type and Constraints Null? Description
PK1 INT (4) N Unique identifier for each record. (Primary Key)
TIMESTAMP DATETIME (8) Y Date and time that the statistics were gathered.
COURSES NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of Courses in the system.
ACTIVECOURSES NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of active Courses in the system. An active Course is one that has been accessed in the last 30 days.
ORGANIZATIONS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of Organizations in the system.
ACTIVEORGANIZATIONS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of active Organizations in the system.
ACTIVEUSERS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of active users in the system. An active user has accessed the system within the last 30 days. Users disabled through the Snapshot tool are still considered active if he or she has accessed the Course in the last 30 days.
USERS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users in the system.
USERS_Z NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of Z (default name: System Admin).
USERS_A NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of A (default name: User Administrator).
USERS_C NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of C (default name: Course Administrator).
USERS_H NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of H (default name: System Support).
USERS_N NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of N (default name: None).
USERS_O NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of O (default name: Observer).
USERS_R NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of R (default name: Support).
USERS_U NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Administrative User Role of U (default name: Guest).
ACTIVE_COURSE_USERS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of active users (includes enrollments as well as staff assignments). Active Course users are those enrolled users that have accessed the Course in the past 30 days.
COURSE_USERS_B NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of B (default name: Course Builder).
COURSE_USERS_G NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of G (default name: Grader).
COURSE_USERS_P NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of P (default name: Instructor).
COURSE_USERS_S NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of S (default name: Student).
COURSE_USERS_T NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of T (default name: Teachers Assistant).
COURSE_USERS_U NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with a Course Role of U (default name: Guest).
INST_USERS_1 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 1 (default name: Student).
INST_USERS_2 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 2 (default name: Faculty).
INST_USERS_3 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 3 (default name: Staff).
INST_USERS_4 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 4 (default name: Alumni).
INST_USERS_5 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 5 (default name: Prospective Student).
INST_USERS_6 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 6 (default name: Guest).
INST_USERS_7 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 7 (default name: Other).
INST_USERS_8 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 8 (default name: Observer).
INST_USERS_9 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 9 (default name: Role 9).
INST_USERS_10 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 10 (default name: Role 10).
INST_USERS_11 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 11 (default name: Role 11).
INST_USERS_12 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 12 (default name: Role 12).
INST_USERS_13 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 13 (default name: Role 13).
INST_USERS_14 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 14 (default name: Role 14).
INST_USERS_15 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 15 (default name: Role 15).
INST_USERS_16 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 16 (default name: Role 16).
INST_USERS_17 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 17 (default name: Role 17).
INST_USERS_18 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 18 (default name: Role 18).
INST_USERS_19 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 19 (default name: Role 19).
INST_USERS_20 NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of users with an Institution Role of 20 (default name: Role 20).
PAGE_VIEWS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of page views to date. A page view is any request for a page that occurs outside of a Course or Organization.
SESSIONS NUMERIC (9) Y Number of open sessions.
COURSE_PAGE_VIEWS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of course page views to date. The Course page view is a request for a page that occurs within a Course or Organization.
SYSTEMEXTENSIONS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of Building Blocks.
LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_SUCCESS NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of successful login attempts.
LOGIN_ATTEMPTS_FAILURE NUMERIC (9) Y Total number of failed login attempts.