Converting Arithmetic and Significant Figure Equations from Brightspace

When converting Arithmetic and Significant Figure Question Types from Brightspace to Blackboard, it's important to carefully review all converted questions to ensure accuracy and functionality. Equations constructed using plain text in Brightspace may not accurately transfer to Blackboard, leading to potential errors or formatting issues. These discrepancies can significantly impact the clarity and correctness of the questions, which in turn affects the validity of the assessment. 

Instructors are advised to thoroughly examine each converted question and verify the accuracy of the equations. In some cases, it may be necessary to rebuild the equations partially or entirely to align with Blackboard's formatting and calculation standards. Ensuring the precision of these questions is essential before making the test available to students. Taking the time to review and correct any issues will help maintain the integrity of the assessment and provide a fair testing experience for all students.

Supported D2L Enumerations

Supported D2L Enumerations
S.NOSupported D2L EnumerationsDescription
1+,-,*,/,\,^Basic mathematical operators
2{x}^{y}x to the power of y
3cos({n})The cosine of n (in radians)
4sin({n})The sine of n (in radians)
5tan({n})The tangent of n (in radians)
6log({n})The log base 10 of n
7ln({n})The log base e of n
8sec({n})The secant of n
9log2({n})The base 2 logarithm of n
10expThe power of natural log (e)
11ee 2.71828 (accurate up to 50 decimal places)
12pipi 3.14159 (accurate up to 50 decimal places)

Enumerations in D2L that need to be replaced

Visit the "Math Editor" topic to learn more about how to use the WIRIS math editor.

Enumerations in D2L whicn need to be replaced
S.NOEnumeration in D2LReplace in WIRIS editorDescription
1%%Modulo (remainder) operator
2abs({n})|n|Absolute value of n
4atan({n})tan-1(n)The inverse tangent of n
5cosec({n})csc(n)The cosecant of n
6cotan({n})cot(n)The cotangent of n
7asin({n})sin-1(n)The cotangent of n
8acos({n})cos-1(n)The inverse cos of n (in radians)
9Factorial!Factorial of n, or (n!)

Not Supported D2L Enumerations

Visit the "Math Editor" topic to learn more about how to use the WIRIS math editor.

Not Supported D2L Enumerations
S.NOEnumeration in D2L which is not supported in WIRIS editorDescription
1sinh({n})The hyperbolic sin of n
2cosh({n})The hyperbolic cos of n