Course Role Data - Canonical Data Model changes as of 20 Oct. 2021

Continuous Delivery | Release to Production 20 October 2021
Updated features, CDM Changes

We want to inform you of the changes made to the Course Role data in the Blackboard Data CDM as of 20 October 2021.

These changes may impact some of your queries and reports.

The changes made to the Course Role data are:

  1. Updated logic behind the CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.COURSE_ROLE column: this change better aligns with settings available in Blackboard Learn, and includes mapping for custom course roles from Blackboard Learn.
  2. New Course Role Description column: COURSE_ROLE_DESC, added to CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.

Updated logic behind the CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.COURSE_ROLE column: 

Up until now, we have used the following mapping between Course Role Source (Blackboard Learn) and Canonical Course Role (Blackboard Data):


Course Role Data Changes as of 20 October 2021
Source Code (Blackboard Learn) Canonical Code (Blackboard Data)

G (Grader)

P (Instructor)

T (Teaching Assistant)

BB_FACILITATOR (Facilitator)

I (Instructor)
B (Course Builder) O (Other)

Custom Role



We have added a new column called CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE.ACT_AS_INSTRUCTOR_IND that stores a flag (true/false) in case a Source Course Role (from Blackboard Learn) has been set to act as an instructor.

This change better aligns with the settings available for course roles in Blackboard Learn.

The modified logic for the COURSE_ROLE column mapping is: 

Course Role Data Changes as of 20 October 2021
Source Code (Blackboard Learn) ACT_AS_INSTRUCTOR_IND  Canonical Code (Blackboard Data)
P (Instructor) TRUE I (Instructor)
P (Instructor) FALSE I (Instructor)

G (Grader)

T (Teaching Assistant)

BB_FACILITATOR (Facilitator)

TRUE I (Instructor)

G (Grader)

T (Teaching Assistant)

BB_FACILITATOR (Facilitator)

FALSE O (Other)
Custom Role TRUE I (Instructor)
Custom Role FALSE O (Other)


New Course Role Description column

We have added a new column, COURSE_ROLE_DESC, to CDM_LMS.PERSON_COURSE, which serves to describe existing Canonical Course Role Codes.

Course Role Data Changes as of 20 October 2021
Canonical Code Description 
S Student
I Instructor
O Other
U Guest


Questions? please reach out to us via the Community Site.