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Learn Ultra troubleshooting item
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GradingSet up Gradebook
Gradebook in Learn Ultra
How to set up the Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra?

In the Gradable Items list or student grid view of the gradebook, you can set up the overall grade. The overall grade is a calculated item that you build to show students a running tally of all the items that you grade and post...

Learn more about overall grade 

GradingCalculated columnCalculated column?

You can easily add calculations to your course gradebook. A calculation is a formula that produces a numerical result used to view or assign grades, usually based on other graded items.

You can create your own formulas and use common arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and use group operators (parentheses)...

Learn more about Gradebook calculations 

GradingEnter grades
Start grading
Start with Gradebook
How to enter grades?

You can choose where you want to start grading! In the list where your name appears, you have immediate access to all your grading tasks on the global Grades page. In a course, you can access the course gradebook on the navigation bar. You can see who has made submissions and start grading. You're also alerted in the activity stream when student submissions are ready for grading...

Learn more on how to start grading

GradingFeedback for students
Feedback for learners
Feedback to learner?

You can assign, edit, and post grades from three locations:

  1. Submissions list page for an item
  2. Student's submission page
  3. Cell in student grid view...

Learn more on how to assign, edit and post grades

GradingFeedback for students
See feedback
How to see feedback?

Open an attempt. On the Submission page, select the feedback icon to open the feedback panel. The panel remains in place as you scroll through the assignment and add overall feedback and a grade...

Learn more on the feedback panel

GradingDownload files
Download assessments
Download assignments
How to download all files?

To accelerate your grading process, you can download students' assessment submissions and view them offline. You can download all or only selected submissions as a single ZIP file. Unzip or expand the file to view the contents. Each submission is saved as a separate file with each student's username...

Learn more about downloading assessments

GradingCopy test
Copy content
How to copy tests from one Course to another?

Creating content for your courses takes time and thoughtful planning. If you teach multiple courses that use similar content, you may want to copy content items and folders between courses to help save time. In the Ultra Course View, you can copy content from other courses you teach so you don't have to start with a blank slate...

Learn more about copying content

Grading with rubrics
How do I use rubrics for grading?

A rubric is a scoring tool you can use to evaluate graded work. When you create a rubric, you divide the assigned work into parts. You can provide clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each part, at varying levels of skill.
Students can use a rubric to organize their efforts to meet the requirements of the graded work. When you allow students access to rubrics before they complete their work, you provide transparency into your grading methods...

Learn more on rubrics

GradingCalculated formulaWhy is my calculated formula not returning the results that I expect?

If the formula isn't valid, an inline error message appears next to Validate. Problems in your formula are highlighted in red in the right pane...

Learn more on formula errors and how to calculate grades

GradingAttendanceHow do I take attendance?

Many instructors who teach face-to-face and blended courses use attendance data as part of their students' overall grades. Also, some institutions and programs have attendance policies that require instructors to track the number of class meetings students have missed.

Instructors and institutions also use attendance data in these ways:

  • International students who must maintain visas may need to meet attendance requirements.
  • Institutions may need to prove “seat time” for federal funding or accreditation.
  • Many institutions and instructors use attendance as they focus on student retention.

For each class meeting, you can mark whether a student is present, late, absent, or excused. The attendance records for each student appear in a single column next to other grades. On the Attendance page, profile pictures appear so you can easily identify students.

You can use attendance as part of grade calculations just as you can for an assignment grade column...

Learn more about attendance

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Vidéo sur le panneau de navigation

La vidéo commentée suivante offre une représentation visuelle et auditive de certaines des informations contenues dans cette page. Pour obtenir une description détaillée de ce qui est représenté dans la vidéo, ouvrez la vidéo sur YouTube, accédez à Plus d'actions, puis sélectionnez Ouvrir la transcription.

Dans la vidéo sur le panneau de navigation Ultra présente une introduction à la visualisation Ultra des cours.

Vidéo de présentation du panneau de navigation