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Ally 2.11.1 | Release to production: January 13, 2025
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue within D2L Brightspace where instructors could not see the Ally Score Indicators when editing supported WYSIWYG conflict due to a conflict with TinyMCE versions. Note that this does not apply to New Content Experience.
- Fixed an issue where the fields used to calculate totals for "Used AI for Alt Text Suggestion" and "Used AI but Alt Text was altered" in Ally Usage Report were not being set with a valid value for images embedded within Rich Content.
- Fixed an issue within the Ally Admin configuration tool where the button for "Disable/enable all existing courses" was clickable outside of the element.
- Fixed an issue that prevented Ally from displaying the correct heading options in the dropdown when applying a Quick Fix for the "Heading do not follow a logical order" issue within the Instructor Feedback guidance panel.
Ally 2.11.0 | Release to production: December 19, 2024
Download Original File is Now Available from the Alternative Formats Window
For students
Students now have the option to download the original version of the file uploaded by their instructor directly from the Alternative Formats download window without having to navigate back to the course. Clicking the download icon next to the file name downloads the file.
This streamlines the student experience and minimizes the amount of back-and-forth required if a student needs to use both the alternative format and the original file.
For administrators
The usage of this feature is tracked within the Usage Report Export, available in the Ally Institutional Report. This is counted in the total downloads and is shown as Original File in the distribution part of overall engagement and can be useful for institutions that want to analyze how alternative formats are being used.
Note: This feature is now available for file content in Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, and Moodle LMS integrations, but does not apply to WYSIWYG/Rich Content items.
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed an issue in Blackboard where, in some cases, the alternative text entered through the Instructor Feedback quick fix option was not applied to the Document before saving, resulting in the issue still being flagged.
- Fixed an issue in Blackboard where in some cases other Document quick fixes entered through the Instructor Feedback were not applied to the Document before saving, resulting in those issues still being flagged.
- Implemented consistency improvements to the Undo and Cancel workflows for Blackboard Documents when making quick fixes through Ally's Instructor Feedback.
- Implemented accessibility improvements when exiting Instructor Feedback in Blackboard Documents to ensure focus is returned to the score indicator.
- Improved underlying API support for Blackboard Document content blocks.
- Fixed an issue where, in some cases, Ally labels remained visible at the top left corner of the screen while navigating through the course.
Ally 2.10.6 | Mise en production : 14 novembre 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution d'un problème dans Canvas : dans certains cas, le fait de cliquer sur Formats alternatifs dans le menu d’options supplémentaires d’un fichier dans la zone Fichiers ne permettait pas à l’utilisateur de lancer les formats alternatifs Ally.
- Résolution d'un problème concernant le sélecteur de dates du rapport d’utilisation qui entraînait un alignement incorrect des jours de la semaine lors du choix d’une date.
- Correction d’un problème dans le rapport sur l’accessibilité des cours en Blackboard : certaines images dans les documents Ultra s’affichaient à tort sous forme de liens avec du texte manquant au lieu d’un aperçu d’image lors du lancement du feed-back du professeur. Les professeurs voient désormais des images dans l’aperçu du contenu du feed-back du professeur comme prévu.
Ally 2.10.5 | Mise en production : 18 octobre 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution d’un problème : dans certains cas, l'indicateur de score Ally apparaissait de manière incorrecte sur les fichiers ou images intégrés en mode édition pour les documents Ultra dans Blackboard, ce qui entraînait une expérience de feed-back du professeur incohérente en fonction de l’indicateur de score sur lequel ils cliquaient.
- Résolution d’un problème dans le workflow du rapport sur l’accessibilité des cours Blackboard qui signalait à tort une lange et un titre non spécifiés pour des documents Ultra lorsque le professeur lançait le feed-back du professeur.
- Amélioration du suivi des données d’utilisation pour les corrections à partir du rapport d’établissement (lorsque les administrateurs ont configuré le lancement du feed-back du professeur directement à partir du rapport).
Ally 2.10.4 | Mise en production : 3 octobre 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution d’un problème : dans certains cas, l’indicateur de résultat Ally apparaissait de manière incorrecte sur les fichiers ou images intégrés dans l’aperçu du document dans le feed-back du professeur pour les documents Ultra dans Blackboard.
- Résolution d’un problème dans Moodle : l’aperçu de l’image s’affichait en lieu et place du feed-back du professeur Ally lorsque ceux-ci cliquaient sur l’indicateur de résultat Ally.
- Correction d’un problème dans D2L qui empêchait Ally de récupérer correctement les codes de rubrique, ce qui empêchait l’affichage de l’indicateur de score dans certains cours.
- Correction d’un problème dans Canvas : l’indicateur de résultat Ally n’était pas présent et l’icône de format alternatif était mal placée dans Discussions.
Ally 2.10.3 | Mise en production : 19 septembre 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution d’un problème d’infobulles de formats alternatifs Ally qui disparaissait quelques secondes après la sélection de l’icône correspondant dans la vue des fichiers Canvas pour les étudiants.
- Correction d’un bogue dans le feed-back du professeur qui empêchait les utilisateurs de naviguer correctement à travers tous les problèmes mis en surbrillance à l’aide des flèches haut/bas.
- Résolution d’un problème d’accessibilité : dysfonction du panneau d'instructions du feed-back du professeur qui empêchait les utilisateurs de lecteurs d’écran d’accéder correctement au contenu.
- Amélioration du comportement de mise au point dans le panneau latéral du feed-back du professeur pour garantir une expérience plus fluide pour les utilisateurs de clavier et de souris.
Ally 2.10.2 | Mise en production : 6 septembre 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution d'un problème avec le feed-back du professeur, où l'icône de chargement tournait indéfiniment lorsque les professeurs corrigeaient deux liens défectueux identiques dans le même élément de contenu.
- Correction d'un problème dans le rapport d'établissement, où l'infobulle de l'icône d'Ally ne se chargeait pas correctement, ce qui compliquait son lancement direct dans le feed-back du professeur.
- Résolution d'un problème d'accessibilité qui empêchait les info-bulles d'Ally ne pouvaient pas être survolées lors de la navigation avec la souris.
- Amélioration des noms des cases à cocher affichées sur le graphique linéaire de tendance des résultats d'accessibilité du rapport d'établissement.
- Correction d'un problème d'accessibilité où il était impossible de faire défiler les panneaux latéraux du feed-back du professeur d'Ally à l'aide du clavier.
- Améliorations et disponibilité du plug-in Moodle 4.3.
- Nouveau modèle Power BI à utiliser avec les outils de création de rapports de l'API Ally. Vous le trouverez dans la boîte à outils d'adoption d'Ally.
Ally 2.10.1 | Mise en production : 8 août 2024
Prise en charge des nouveaux documents améliorés pour le concepteur de contenu Blackboard
Ally prend désormais en charge les nouveaux documents améliorés dans Blackboard à la fois pour les professeurs (feed-back du professeur) et les étudiants (formats alternatifs) afin de promouvoir un contenu accessible et attrayant pour tous les utilisateurs. Les professeurs et les étudiants verront les indicateurs Ally applicables sur les nouveaux documents pour continuer à profiter de ces fonctionnalités d'Ally.
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Amélioration des instructions d'Ally pour les éléments ne commençant pas au plus haut niveau en fournissant une formulation cohérente qui s'applique à tous les éditeurs de texte enrichi où les options d'en-tête ne commencent pas toujours au niveau 1.
- Correction du problème de formulation des instructions d'Ally concernant les fichiers PDF identifiés comme sans langue, qui mentionnaient de façon erronée des corrections d'en-tête (au lieu de langue).
- Correction du problème des pages Canvas où l'icône Formats alternatifs n'était pas correctement positionnée sur le titre de la page.
- Correction du problème dans Blackboard où les images ne s'affichaient pas dans le feed-back du professeur d'Ally lorsqu'il était lancé à partir du rapport d'accessibilité du cours.
- Correction du problème dans le rapport d'établissement où l'option Autres cours dans la liste déroulante de l'onglet Cours ne filtrait pas correctement les cours sans période de cours et affichait tous les cours de l'établissement.
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité dans le rapport d'établissement où les lecteurs d'écran n'annonçaient pas l'intitulé de contrôle du bouton du menu déroulant servant à sélectionner les périodes de cours.
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité dans le feed-back du professeur où l'infobulle du sélecteur de couleurs dans la correction rapide d'Ally des problèmes de contraste du texte n'apparaissait pas avec la navigation au clavier. (Le code couleur HEX est maintenant annoncé par les lecteurs d'écran).
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité où l'indicateur de focus n'apparaissait pas correctement sur le composant de pagination dans le coin supérieur gauche du feed-back du professeur après la fermeture du panneau d'instructions à l'aide de la navigation au clavier. (Le focus reste maintenant sur l'élément déclencheur).
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité qui empêchait les infobulles de l'icône Ally de disparaître en appuyant sur la touche Échap.
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité où les lecteurs d'écran ne pouvaient parfois pas lire les boutons du feed-back du professeur concernant des problèmes identifiés dans le contenu WYSIWYG.
- Correction du problème d'accessibilité où il était parfois impossible de faire défiler les panneaux latéraux du feed-back du professeur d'Ally à l'aide des touches du clavier.
Ally 2.10.0 | Mise en production : 17 juillet 2024
Nouvel outil AI Alt Text Assistant d'Ally
Il n'est pas toujours facile de rédiger un texte alternatif simple mais pertinent pour les images. Souvent, le professeur cherche une touche d'inspiration ou une suggestion pour commencer.
Nous sommes ravis de présenter notre innovation la plus récente conçue pour relever ce défi d'une manière qui s'intègre parfaitement dans le feed-back du professeur Ally et pour transformer la façon dont les enseignants gèrent l'accessibilité : l'outil AI Alt Text Assistant d'Ally. Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité vise à améliorer l'efficacité des professeurs en automatisant la suggestion de texte alternatif pour les images afin de faciliter la rédaction de texte alternatif et de garantir que les supports d'apprentissage sont inclusifs et accessibles à tous les étudiants.
Pour les professeurs
Les professeurs peuvent exploiter la commodité et la puissance du bouton « Générer automatiquement une description » de l'interface du feed-back du professeur Ally et laisser l'outil AI Alt Text Assistant simplifier le processus de traitement des images sans description. D'un simple clic, les professeurs peuvent désormais générer des suggestions de descriptions alternatives pour les images intégrées dans un contenu WYSIWYG ou utilisées en tant qu'éléments autonomes.
Image 1 : bouton Générer automatiquement une description lors de la correction d'une image sans description dans le feed-back du professeur Ally
Cet outil intuitif permet aux professeurs de créer instantanément des descriptions d'images simples mais précises, éliminant ainsi les incertitudes et le travail chronophage liés à la création manuelle de descriptions à partir de zéro.
Avec l'outil AI Alt Text Assistant, le professeur dispose d'un contrôle total. Vous pouvez facilement modifier ou supprimer les suggestions générées par l'IA pour les adapter au mieux au contexte et au public de votre contenu. Il est important de noter que les descriptions alternatives ne sont pas appliquées automatiquement. Chaque suggestion doit être examinée et approuvée par le professeur afin que le résultat final corresponde à son objectif initial.
Pour les administrateurs
Les administrateurs Ally peuvent configurer cette nouvelle fonctionnalité à partir des paramètres de configuration Ally. Pour utiliser le nouvel assistant de texte alternatif, vous devez vous inscrire et l'activer à partir de votre console administrateur (cette fonctionnalité est désactivée par défaut).
Image 2 : Paramètres de configuration Ally avec indicateur de fonctionnalité pour activer Al Alt Text Assistant
En outre, les administrateurs peuvent suivre l'utilisation de la nouvelle fonctionnalité à partir du rapport d'utilisation Ally (exporté depuis votre tableau de bord rapport d'utilisation Ally).
Image 3 : Ally rapport d'utilisation avec des données supplémentaires ajoutées pour suivre l'utilisation de l'assistant de texte alternatif AI
Dans l'onglet Lancement du feed-back du professeur du rapport d'utilisation, les administrateurs peuvent voir le nombre de fois où l'IA a été utilisée pour générer du texte alternatif pour des images et le nombre de fois où le professeur a modifié le texte généré par l'IA avant de l'enregistrer pour un cours spécifique.
Ces informations sont également disponibles dans l'onglet Données brutes du rapport d'utilisation.
Cette fonctionnalité suit les principes de l'approche éthique de l'IA d'Anthology, notamment :
- Laisser l'humain aux commandes
- Équité
- Confidentialité
- Sécurité
- Sûreté
Nous vous recommandons de consulter les documents référencés ci-dessous si vous envisagez d'utiliser l'outil AI Alt Text Assistant d'Ally.
- Note de transparence d'AI Alt Text Assistant
- Conditions d'utilisation
- Principes d'utilisation éthique de l'IA
Cette version est disponible pour les intégrations aux LMS Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace et Moodle.
Identification et évaluation des liens rompus sur le contenu WYSIWYG pour Ultra et Canvas
Dans le cadre de notre engagement à aider les professeurs à améliorer la qualité et la fiabilité du contenu éducatif, la liste de contrôle d'accessibilité des LMS d'Ally a été élargie pour inclure une nouvelle vérification des liens rompus (erreurs 404) dans le contenu WYSIWYG. Les liens rompus sont un problème d'accessibilité important, souvent fréquent, qui peut créer de la frustration, des perturbations ou, pire encore, une perte de confiance dans le matériel lui-même, pour tous les étudiants du cours.
Désormais, Ally signalera ce problème dans le rapport d'accessibilité et le feed-back du professeur. Les liens rompus contribuent au résultat d'accessibilité du contenu WYSIWYG, et cette contribution dépend du nombre de liens rompus dans le contenu lui-même.
Lorsque les professeurs créent ou modifient du contenu WYSIWYG, Ally identifie si un lien est rompu et le met en évidence pour le professeur dans l'aperçu du contenu. Par ailleurs, des options rapides et intuitives permettent de corriger le problème directement dans le volet de feed-back du professeur Ally. Ce feed-back instantané garantit que l'ensemble du contenu est vérifié et fiable avant même que les étudiants ne le découvrent. Les professeurs peuvent également utiliser les conseils « Quoi » et « Pourquoi » pour en savoir plus sur l'impact des liens rompus. En identifiant et en corrigeant ces liens, les professeurs peuvent éviter toute perturbation du processus d'apprentissage et maintenir l'intégrité de leur cours.
Image 1 : Identification du lien rompu dans le feed-back du professeur Ally
Les rapports Ally, y compris le rapport d'établissement, les exportations CSV, les API pour les outils de création de rapports externes et le rapport sur l'accessibilité au cours, refléteront cette nouvelle vérification de l'accessibilité dans la liste des résultats et des problèmes sous-jacents.
Il s'agit d'une modification à venir qui n'affectera que le résultat du contenu WYSIWYG récemment ajouté ou mis à jour après cette version. Par conséquent, le résultat d'accessibilité WYSIWYG global de nombreux établissements peut diminuer par rapport aux mois/années précédents en raison de l'introduction de ce nouveau contrôle d'accessibilité.
Cette version inclut des intégrations aux LMS Ultra et Canvas. Dans le cadre d'une prochaine version, nous prévoyons d'appliquer cette vérification aux autres intégrations à des LMS.
Ally 2.9.8 | Mise en production : 02 juillet 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Mise en œuvre d'améliorations de l'infrastructure et d'optimisations des processus de notation backend pour les contenus HTML et WYSIWYG afin d'offrir aux professeurs une expérience plus rapide et plus fiable.
- Résolution d'un problème d'accessibilité : le feed-back du professeur Ally n'était pas correctement affiché sous forme de boîte de dialogue sur les lecteurs d'écran.
- Résolution d'un problème d'accessibilité : certaines formulations du guide de feed-back du professeur étaient basées sur des caractéristiques sensorielles et n'étaient pas claires pour tous les utilisateurs, y compris ceux utilisant un lecteur d'écran.
- Résolution d'un problème d'accessibilité qui empêchait les boutons de navigation de page dans l'aperçu du contenu du feed-back du professeur d'être affichés par les lecteurs d'écran tout en conservant le focus.
Ally 2.9.6 | Mise en production : 13 juin 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Correction d'un problème d'accessibilité dans le feed-back du professeur dans lequel le titre des conseils ne s'affichait pas correctement avec les technologies d'assistance.
- Correction d'un problème pour les utilisateurs de Learn Original où le feed-back du professeur Ally affichait un message d'erreur (« Oups ») lors de l'accès via le rapport d'accessibilité au cours pour les documents WYSIWYG.
Ally 2.9.4 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 2 Mayıs 2024
Hata düzeltmeleri ve iyileştirmeler
- Kurumsal Rapor'da, silinen dosyaların sorun sayısına dâhil edilmesi nedeniyle erişilebilirlik sorunu bulunan ögelerin sayısının hatalı şekilde şişirilmesine ve rapora boş ek sayfaların eklenmesine neden olan bir sorun düzeltildi.
- D2L Brightspace kullanıcıları için, Eğitmen Geri Bildirimi aracılığıyla HTML dosyalarına uygulanan hızlı düzeltmelerin stillerin kaldırılmasına ve LMS kaydedilen içeriğin yanlış biçimlendirilmesine neden olan bir sorun düzeltildi.
Ally 2.9.3 | Mise en production : 6 avril 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Résolution de l'absence d'affichage dans le rapport d'établissement Ally de la liste complète des problèmes rencontrés lorsqu'un département, un cours ou un domaine (dans Ally pour Web) en comptait plus de 1 000. Celle-ci empêchait les administrateurs d'examiner et d'identifier correctement les priorités pour résoudre les problèmes d'accessibilité signalés par Ally.
Ally 2.9.2 | Mise en production : 22 mars 2024
Corrections de bogues et améliorations
- Amélioration du texte descriptif de l'onglet Configuration Vimeo de l'outil de configuration Ally.
- Mise en œuvre d'améliorations supplémentaires des performances et de la stabilité dans le traitement des fichiers Ally.
Ally 2.9.0 | Release to production: March 07, 2024
Vimeo and HTML5 video caption checking is now available for HTML and WYSIWYG content
As part of our efforts to expand our support for more types of video content, Ally now can flag Vimeo or embedded HTML5 videos that do not have captions or may have automated captions. This helps instructors quickly identify if video content is accessible and increases the awareness of the importance of accurate captions for student video content.
Ally will identify and highlight videos from Vimeo and videos embedded via HTML5 within the Ally instructor feedback. Keeping with our current approach to scoring YouTube videos, flagged Vimeo and HTML5 videos will not change the overall accessibility scores and will be shown as 100% in the Instructor Feedback panel.
Image 1: Video highlighted within Ally’s Instructor Feedback Preview
Note for Administrators: Opting In to New Vimeo Configuration Settings
Checking for public and private videos in Vimeo is an opt-in feature that administrators can choose to configure based on your institutional needs. Ally admins will see a new configuration tab for Vimeo where it is possible to configure and manage the institution’s Vimeo account token to enable Ally’s caption check. Once configured, Ally video checks count towards your institution's Vimeo account and apply to any associated rate limits that you may have.
If you do not configure your Vimeo settings, Ally will not pick up on any embedded Vimeo videos.
(Please note that HTML5 video checking does not require any admin configuration.)
This is a go-forward change that only affects newly added or updated HTML files or WYSIWYG content after this release.
For additional information on this feature and Vimeo configuration, please see Caption Checks for Videos.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue that prevented the issue highlighting and issue navigation from showing for issues within the Instructor Feedback Preview in D2L Brightspace integrations. Fixed an issue where the Ally Instructor Feedback displayed "Oops! Something seems to have gone wrong. Please try again later” when HTML files are flagged as having empty headers in D2L that prevented instructors from seeing the score and guidance.
- Fixed an issue in D2L Brightspace where Ally quick fixes for Empty Headers within the Instructor Feedback were sometimes applying the fix for multiple instances even if the “Apply For All” option was not selected.
- Fixed an issue where the term dropdown and trend chart were not showing all the terms in the Institutional Report Overview when admins selected the “By Term” view.
- Fixed an issue for Learn integrations where WYSIWYG content for external links was not being picked up correctly within the Course Accessibility Report after a course copy.
- Implemented performance and stability improvements to Ally’s processing for generating alternative formats.
Ally 2.8.2 | Release to production: February 22, 2024
Update on D2L Brightspace HTML file reprocessing
As a follow-up to the release of Ally 2.8.1, the feature enhancement to treat “HTML” content as WYSIWYG content in Brightspace is now active for all regions for new content. File rescoring of older HTML content is also completed for clients in our Canada, Asia, and Europe regions.
Rescoring of older content for US clients is still in progress and will be confirmed once completed.
Important note for administrators
Configuration documentation has also been updated to note that the Instructor Feedback for WYSIWYG content (Rich Text Editor content) feature flag does not disable the new Instructor Feedback or quick fixes on HTML files uploaded or created in D2L Brightspace.
See more information about Ally Feature Flags in the Ally Configuration Help page.
Ally Support for Moodle version 4.2
As part of the Ally team's efforts to improve the development and availability of the Ally plugin for Moodle, we are pleased to announce that we are releasing the plugins for the Moodle 4.2 version.
The plugins for version 4.2 are available on the Moodle pages below:
Documentation for the plugin configuration and supported themes is available in the Ally help documentation.
For managed hosted clients we always recommend you check with your Moodle provider to ensure version compatibility based on your upgrade plans.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue in Learn integrations where in some cases the browser configuration caused an authorization popup requesting credentials that prevented instructors from editing an Ultra document after attaching and previewing a file scored by Ally.
- Fixed an accessibility issue in the Instructor Feedback Preview where screen readers could not identify highlights of videos without captions and prevented users from locating them in WYSIWYG content.
Ally 2.8.1 | Release to production: February 15, 2024
Quick fixes, guidance, and content previews now available for D2L Brightspace “HTML” content
Ally for D2L Brightspace
Ally 2.8.1 brings a key enhancement to the Instructor Feedback within the Ally Brightspace integration that treats “HTML” content as WYSIWYG content and gives instructors the ability to leverage Ally's capabilities including quick fixes, What and Why guidance and content previews.
Instead of frequently encountering “Guidance Not Available Yet” in the feedback, instructors will now be able to address issues more quickly and easily within the Ally Instructor Feedback flow and focus on the most impactful changes to content.
Image 1: Instructor Feedback with available quick fix for insufficient contrast
This improvement includes Quick Fix capabilities for the following accessibility issues:
- Text with insufficient contrast
- Tables that are missing headers
- Tables without headers
- Images with redundant text
- Images without descriptions
- Heading order
Issues without quick fixes available will still be shown under “All Issues” and may not have specific guidance available pending future roadmap development.
After this release, any new HTML file created by an instructor will be treated as WYSIWYG going forward. Older existing HTML content within Brightspace will be rescored and reprocessed by Ally in waves over the next few weeks to migrate this data and provide a consistent instructor experience.
For Administrators - Feature activation and file rescoring
Feature activation and file rescoring will be triggered by region with this release beginning with our Canada region ( on 2/15/24. Other regions will follow in the order shown below:
- Wave 1: Canada (
- Wave 2: Asia-Pacific (
- Wave 3: Europe (
- Wave 4: US (
In addition to the instructor improvements noted above, Administrators will see the following differences in the Ally reports:
- All HTML files and existing WYSIWYG content will be referred to as “HTML Fragment” in the Institutional Report. This change will also be reflected in CSV exports and the Ally API for reporting tools.
- The score for each file may change depending on the accessibility issues flagged by Ally after content is reprocessed. This is because of the different checks Ally applies for WYSIWYG content vs HTML content.
Image 2: Ally Institutional Report Total content created chart for administrators
File rescoring will only affect HTML files. Other file types like Word, PowerPoint, PDF, images, or LibreOffice are not affected and their score will remain the same.
Other Improvements:
With this update, “language not set” and “missing title” will no longer be flagged as issues in the HTML content in Brightspace to help minimize frustration for instructors that cannot edit these attributes in the content interface.
Ally 2.8.0 | Release to production: February 9, 2024
Course Accessibility Report Instructor Feedback Improvements
Ally 2.8.0 brings several fixes and improvements to the Instructor Feedback launched from the Course Accessibility Report to help instructors that frequently use it as a starting point to address issues within their course. These improvements aim to further streamline instructor workflows as they look to quickly identify low scoring content or content with the easiest issues to fix.
Image 1: Ally Course Accessibility Report
Increased visibility into what is happening behind the scenes for WYSIWYG content
When instructors launch the Ally Instructor Feeback for WYSIWYG content from the Course Accessibility Report, Ally will now briefly display a message alerting users that Ally is updating the score to account for the latest updates. This improvement helps to ensure that the score is always up to date and addresses previous confusion around scores jumping depending on where and when it was viewed.
Image 2: “Updating Ally score” alert in the Instructor Feedback window
Bug Fixes and Other Improvements:
- Fixed an issue in which the Indicate Image is Decorative option was not updating the file or the score in WYSIWYG content when performed from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue in which the Add Image Description option was not correctly updating the alternative text or the score in WYSIWYG content when performed from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue in which the Instructor Feedback within the Course Accessibility Report was not displaying the correct score for files that only contained one issue.
- Fixed an issue in which Ally was not displaying the correct number of issues after launching into the Instructor Feedback from the Course Accessibility Report.
- Fixed an issue where the highlighting within the Ally Instructor feedback content preview was only pointing to one video despite Ally flagging multiple videos without captions within WYSIWYG content.
Ally 2.7.14 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 1 Şubat 2024
Raporlama araçları için iyileştirilmiş API uç noktaları
Ally 2.7.7'deki ilk sürümün devamı olarak, raporlama araçlarına yönelik Ally API'si uç noktaları iyileştirildi. Bu sayede, büyük veri kümelerinin daha iyi işlenmesine ve Ally verilerini Power BI, Tableau, Excel veya özelleştirilmiş web uygulamaları gibi raporlama araçlarıyla entegre etmenin yollarını arayan yöneticiler için durum bilgilerinin daha net iletilmesine olanak tanındı.
Bu iyileştirmeler, kurum genelinde kararların daha büyük oranda veriye dayalı şekilde alınması amacıyla Ally Kurum Raporu dışında özel raporlar ve panolar oluşturan pay sahipleri için süreci daha da kolaylaştırmaya yardımcı olur.
Görüntü 1: Özel PowerBI panosu örneği
İyileştirmeler arasında şunlar bulunuyor:
- Ally'ın büyük veri kümelerini hazırlamasını gerektiren durumlarda, Ally API'si, artık zaman aşımı sorunlarını önlemek amacıyla 202 (İşleniyor) durum koduyla yanıt veriyor ve kullanıcılara veriler hazır olana kadar beklemeleri gerektiğini bildiriyor. API, veriler hazır olduğunda da 200 (Başarılı) koduyla yanıt veriyor.
- Filtrelenen kayıtların toplam sayısı da meta verilere eklendi. Bu bilgi, kullanıcıların filtreleme seçeneklerinin beklendiği şekilde çalıştığını doğrulamasına yardımcı olurken uç nokta başına 10.000 kayıtlık yanıt sınırına uyulmasını da sağlar.
Raporlama API'si hakkındaki ek bilgiler ve yapılandırma örnekleri, güncelleştirilen Ally'ın API'sini Haricî Bir Raporlama Aracıyla Entegre Etme yardım sayfasında mevcuttur.
API uç noktalarıyla ilgili güncelleştirilmiş teknik belgelere Raporlama API'si Uç Noktaları yardım sayfasından da ulaşılabilir.
Ally 2.7.13 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 16 Ocak 2024
Hata düzeltmeleri ve iyileştirmeler
- Canvas sayfasının üst kısmındaki Ally alternatif biçim düğmesinin hatalı şekilde H1 olarak değerlendirilmesine neden olan sorun düzeltildi.
- Geri bildirim, Kurs Erişilebilirlik Raporu üzerinden açıldığı zaman Ally Eğitmen Geri Bildirimi içindeki WYSIWYG belgelerinin ön izlemesinin birkaç saniye sonra kaybolmasına neden olan sorun düzeltildi.
- Eğitmen Geri Bildirimi'nde yapılan küçük Ally düzeltmelerinin yalnızca vurgulanan ögeye uygulanmak yerine zaman zaman aynı belgede içinde yer alan birden çok ögeye uygulanmasına neden olan sorun düzeltildi.
Ally 2.7.12 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 12 Aralık 2023
OCR Alternatif Biçimiyle İlgili İyileştirmeler
Temel OCR işleme sistemimizi, birkaç önemli iyileştirme sağlayacak şekilde güncelleştirdik. Bu iyileştirmeler arasında; İngilizce dışındaki dillerin daha iyi desteklenmesi, belge arka planlarının daha iyi işlenmesi ve oluşturulan Alternatif Biçim'deki aralık ayarlarına ve yazı tiplerine yönelik bazı küçük ek iyileştirmeler yer alıyor.
Hatalar ve Düzeltmeler
Alternatif Biçimler penceresindeki klavye gezintisinde karşılaşılan, Kullanım Koşulları bağlantısına odaklanma ile ilgili erişilebilirlik sorunu düzeltildi.
Ally 2.7.11 | Piyasaya çıkış tarihi: 5 Aralık 2023
Hata düzeltmeleri ve iyileştirmeler
- Yeni bir Ultra Belgesi düzenlenirken WYSIWYG içerikleri için Ally Eğitmen Geri Bildirimi panelinin tam ekran olarak görüntülenmemesine yol açan, Learn Ultra kullanıcılarına yönelik bir sorun düzeltildi.
- Bağımsız HTML dosyalarındaki alternatif metin içermeyen görüntüleri düzeltmeye yönelik "İyi Açıklamalar Nasıl Yazılır" yönergeleri, söz konusu sorunun nasıl çözüleceğine dair daha iyi bir bağlam sağlayacak şekilde iyileştirildi.
Ally 2.7.10 | Release to production: November 1, 2023
Bug Fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue where the alternative text of deleted images was considered in course copies, causing the text of some images to be incorrectly copied.
Ally 2.7.9 | Release to production: October 18, 2023
Bug Fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue in Canvas integrations where the side panel used to upload files was displayed over the Ally Institutional Report and prevented instructors from going through the Ally Guidance.
Fixed an issue related to the recent implementation of the session timeout that was causing generic errors to display in the browser console while accessing the Institutional Report.
Ally 2.7.8 | Release to production: September 20, 2023
New features
Guidance is now available for HTML and WYSIWYG content with images without Alternative Text
As part of our continued effort to expand Ally’s guidance and feedback, instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files and WYSIWYG content can now find the Ally guidance for images that do not have Alternative Text.
This guidance provides a detailed description of the issue and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue.
Bugs fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where instructors could not upload files with accented characters in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel. Now characters using the ISO-8859-1 standard are supported.
- Fixed an issue in the guidance for password-protected files that caused PowerPoint files to be incorrectly referred to as Word documents within the text displayed to instructors.
- Fixed an issue where the Alternative Formats icon was not getting displayed for the Homepage in Canvas courses.
- The date picker used in the Ally Institutional Report has been updated and improved for a better visibility an usability
Ally 2.7.7 | Release to production: September 6, 2023
New features
API endpoints for reporting tools
Administrators can now integrate their Ally data into reporting tools and applications like Power BI, Tableau, or even Microsoft Excel more seamlessly than before, using two new private Ally API endpoints for reporting. This API provides two GET endpoints that allow Administrators to quickly build reports or dashboards and retrieve information on accessibility scores and issues.
Instead of reconfiguring dashboards each time a new CSV export is available, these new endpoints allow Administrators to configure a report once and refresh the data at 15-minute intervals to update dashboards in the preferred reporting tool. Administrators can obtain all the credentials needed to configure the data in the external reporting tool from the Institutional Report.
Additional information about the API for reporting, including configuration examples, is available in the Integrate Ally's API with an External Reporting Tool help page. Technical documentation around the new API endpoints is also available in the Reporting API Endpoints help page.
Endpoints included in the API for reporting are private endpoints and do not come with a deprecation policy at this time. Anthology Ally may change or update these endpoints depending on our roadmap or future releases.
Bug Fixes and improvements
Fixed an accessibility issue where controls in the Ally configuration were not properly announced as control groups by screen readers.
Fixed an accessibility issue where the file drop area in the Ally Instructor Feedback did not have descriptive text for screen readers.
Fixed an issue where videos without captions that were embedded using HTML code in HTML files or WYSIWYG documents were not correctly highlighted in the Ally instructor feedback.
Added a session timeout to the Ally Institutional Report when it is accessed outside of the LMS via a direct URL. The timeout prevents unwanted access when the report is left unattended, or there is no activity. (The timeout is triggered after 900 seconds of inactivity and signs out the user automatically.)
Ally 2.7.5 | Release to production: August 10, 2023
New features
Guidance is now available for password-protected files
Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for password-protected files can now find additional Ally guidance and instructions to learn how to remove passwords to improve the file for students.
What and Why information panels are now available for videos flagged with automated or no captions
As part of our ongoing efforts to expand support for Video content, instructors who access Ally Instructor Feedback for WYSIWYG or HTML files containing videos flagged with automated or no captions can now discover an informative “What it means” section. This addition provides valuable context about the significance of captions for video content.
Bugs fixes and improvements
- Fixed an accessibility issue where a decorative image from the Ally instructor feedback was not hidden from screen readers.
- Fixed an issue where the file preview of some PowerPoint files was not displayed correctly in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel.
Ally 2.7.4 | Release to production: July 26, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
New features
Audio Alternative Format character limit increased
Ally now supports files with up to 200,000 characters when downloading the Audio Alternative Format.
Improvements and bug fixing
Fixed an accessibility issue where visually grouped controls in the Instructor Feedback were not being grouped correctly.
Fixed an issue for Learn where in some cases, using the Microsoft Immersive Reader Alternative Format, caused the Learn session to crash for users.
Fixed an issue where the total issue count for “HTML content containing images without a description” was not always decreasing in the Ally reports after the issue had been fixed in the course.
Fixed an issue for Learn Ultra users where images having a redundant description were not being flagged as issues in Ally’s Instructor Feedback.
Ally 2.7.0 | Release to production: June 14, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
- Improved the WYSIWYG Instructor Feedback experience in Learn Ultra to allow instructors to return to the list of remaining issues after fixing an issue.
- Fixed an issue that was preventing learners from downloading the audio Alternative Format when using the Learn Ultra mobile application.
- Fixed an issue that was creating unintentional error logs in the browser console after opening the Instructor Feedback in D2L environments.
Ally 2.6.6 | Release to production: June 6, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
As part of our efforts to support universal design and equitable access around the world, Ally now supports the User Interface in the Chinese Traditional language (zh-TW). Chinese Traditional is now available in Ally Institutional Report, configuration UI, Alternative Formats modal, Instructor Feedback, and Course Accessibility Report.
This does not represent changes in the current language support in other Ally features.
Ally 2.6.5 | Release to production: April 26, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
In cases where the same YouTube video is used multiple times within WYSIWYG and HTML content, the Instructor Feedback preview window now lists all instances of the video (instead of just one), to provide the instructor with a better understanding of where the issue is happening.
Ally 2.6.4 | Release to production: April 19, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
We improved Ally's performance flagging issues when adding YouTube video links within WYSIWYG content. As of now, instructors will have a better user experience when they include multiple videos in the same document.
Ally 2.6.3 | Release to production: April 4, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration
Guidance is now available for HTML files containing links with missing text
Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files with links missing text can now find the Ally guidance.
It provides a detailed description of the issue and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue.
This guidance is available for Learn, Canvas, and Moodle customers. We are working to bring this additional guidance to D2L Brightspace customers as part of a follow-up release.
Ally 2.6.2 | Release to production: March 29, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
Ally now supports version 6 of the TinyMCE rich text editor in D2L Brightspace.
Discussion Topics, Modules, Quiz descriptions, and Assignments are supported. This does not apply to web page content.
Fixed an accessibility issue where the tooltip on the Overall Accessibility Score pie chart was not accessible using the keyboard.
The Braille Alternative Format has been upgraded to improve overall performance and incorporate general Braille table improvements.
Ally 2.6.1 | Release to production: March 15, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Improvements and bug fixing
- Fixed an accessibility issue where screen readers were not correctly announcing the values of highlighted issues when a user navigates through the Ally Instructor Feedback Preview for WYSIWYG content.
- Fixed an accessibility issue where screen readers were not correctly announcing the "What this means" button located in the right-hand side panel of the Ally Instructor Feedback.
Ally 2.6.0 | Release to production: March 8, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Guidance is now available for HTML files containing text with insufficient contrast
Instructors accessing the Ally Instructor Feedback for HTML files with contrast issues can now find the Ally guidance.
It provides a detailed description of the issue, and a step-by-step guide to teach instructors how to fix this issue.
This guidance is available for Learn, Canvas, and Moodle customers. We are working to bring this additional guidance to D2L Brightspace customers as part of a follow-up release.
NEW Canvas scopes for developer keys have been added for future video support
Ally integrations now include 4 new scopes to the Canvas developer keys to support future development towards extending Ally's existing accessibility checks to more video providers, including uploaded video files within the Canvas LMS. These new scopes will provide Ally with the appropriate permission to analyze those video files once we release this additional functionality.
We will announce support for checking uploaded Canvas videos as part of our roadmap plans for the upcoming months. Until then, existing clients do not need to take any action and your Ally instance will continue working normally, without any additional configuration. Upon release of the new accessibility check for Canvas videos, we will provide further instructions and steps to reintegrate Ally with these additional scopes. For new clients, these scopes will be included in the standard implementations going forward.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where Ally's alternative format and scoring indicators, within courses using D2L Brightspace's New Content Experience, were no longer being displayed due to a conflict with a new pathname within the LMS.
Ally 2.5.9 | Release to production: March 1, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Identification and scoring of Microsoft Office and LibreOffice Password-protected files
Password-protected Microsoft Office and LibreOffice documents are now identified and scored by Ally. When you upload a password-protected document, Ally will flag it with a 0% score. This will increase the instructor's awareness to update and make the content available to learners without any blockers.
This is a go-forward change that only affects the score of newly added or updated password-protected Office content after this release.
As part of future releases, we will incorporate additional guidance and feedback for these files into the Instructor Feedback.
Translated Version Alternative Format character limit increased
Ally now supports files with up to 60,000 characters when downloading the Translated Version Alternative Format.
Ally 2.5.8 | Release to production: February 22, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
- We improved guidance in the Ally Instructor Feedback for untagged PDFs. As of now, instructors have a simpler and more informed step-by-step guidance to help them to fix this issue faster.
- Fixed an issue in Canvas environments where the Revision History information was not being passed correctly back into Canvas when an instructor used the quick fix functionality (part of the Instructor Feedback) to update content.
Ally 2.5.6 | Release to production: February 7, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
Fixed an issue where custom heading styles were not converted to headings when generating Alternative Formats.
Fixed an issue that made the Instructor Feedback panel for WYSIWYG content unavailable when accessed from the Institutional Report.
Fixed an issue where numbered lists in LibreOffice and Office files were displayed incorrectly in the Ally Instructor Feedback panel.
Ally 2.5.5 | Release to production: February 1, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Alternative Formats views count towards Progress Tracking in Blackboard Learn Ultra
Blackboard Learn Ultra has the capacity to keep track of the course progress for both instructors and students. After a learner downloads an Alternative Format of any content file, the course content will indicate its progress.
Instructors will see the progress made by learners based on their access to the original file or an Alternative Format. For further information about Progress Tracking, refer to the Progress Tracking Release note in Learn Ultra 3900.58.
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where custom javascript —present in certain Canvas integrations— conflicted with the Ally javascript, resulting in some features of the rich text editor, including the scrollbar and the save button, being hidden during content editing
Ally 2.5.4 | Release to production: January 25, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where Ally was not recognizing embedded YouTube videos without captions when using an iframe in WYSIWYG content in Canvas.
- Fixed an issue that caused the Ally Score gauge to incorrectly overlap with the title field while editing content in the WYSIWYG content editor for Moodle 4 (Boost Theme).
- Fixed an issue in Canvas where the Rich Text editor remained at maximum width after exiting the Instructor Feedback preview, instead of returning to normal size, which caused the Ally indicator to be hidden without scrolling further.
Ally 2.5.3 | Release to production: January 18, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
- Enabling and Disabling Courses Confirmation Message
Administrators are now presented with a confirmation message when enabling or disabling Ally across all existing courses within the Ally Configuration Tool. This confirmation shows after selecting either Enable or Disable in all courses from the configuration drop down. (Refer to the below example for Disabling all existing courses). - Improved Ally infrastructure scaling policies and alarms to better identify issues during peak usage periods and improve performance to reduce delays on files scanning.
Ally 2.5.2 | Release to production: January 12, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
- Added Euskera language (eu-es) support for the user interface.
- When you open the Instructor Feedback, Ally now displays the Help link in the right-hand side panel. Note that this does not change the configuration of the custom help, as this is still done in the Ally administration panel. See how to configure Ally user help settings.
- We improved the user interface when guidance is not yet available.
Ally 2.5.1 | Release to production: January 5, 2023
Updated features, Learn integration, Canvas integration, Moodle integration, D2L Brightspace integration
Bug fixes and improvements
- A help link is now displayed in the Instructor Feedback when guidance is not available yet. This link provides instructors access to resources that help them improve their content. This help link uses the custom help configuration, which is still done in the Ally administration panel. Learn how to configure Ally user help settings.
- In cases where a standalone image is set as decorative, Ally's accessibility score will increase to 100%. As of now, Ally shows a warning message stating:
- The image may need further improvements if there are additional accessibility issues. For example, an image that is marked as decorative could still induce seizures, even if it has a 100% score.
- These improvements can be reviewed in the Course Accessibility Report or the Institutional Report
- Fixed an issue where the Ally score indicator was missing in the WYSIWYG content in the Canvas rich content editor (RCE). This was due to recent updates, published in the Canvas Deploy Notes 2022-12-20. As of now, the Ally score indicator and instructor feedback are fully compatible with all new RCE updates and features done by Canvas.
- Fixed an issue regarding keyboard navigation within Ally's Instructor Feedback for WYSIWYG content. The problem was that the space bar didn't navigate as expected when a user selected a specific accessibility issue.
- Fixed an issue where Ally was not announcing the loading status message to assistive technologies whilst downloading an Alternative Format.